The opening of the new office in May ‘23 marked the next phase of global expansion for The Access Group, one of the largest UK-headquartered providers of business management software to small and mid-sized organisations in the UK, Ireland, USA and Asia Pacific.
Radu Giju, managing director at The Access Group in Romania, said: “Access had already built a strong brand here before the GO Centre opened and it is fast becoming an employer of choice for people in Timişoara and beyond.
“The GOC has highlighted the skills and potential of the local talent pool here in Romania, especially within software engineering and customer service, and our teams have become a strong representation of our ambition, brand and culture here.”
Staff at the office are working closely with local schools, universities and businesses in 2024 to support the Group’s early careers programme, which helps develop specialist training and the competency of young people.
Mr Radu Giju added: “Since the new GO Centre opened, we have seen our staff nurture a culture of creativity and critical thinking and they are motivated to empower our local students to make a positive impact in their future and areas they’re passionate about. Our goal is to connect with local communities and help strengthen them in meaningful ways. We developed strategic partnerships that leverage and empower entire communities while recognizing that each one has unique needs and opportunities”.
In November last year, the first cohort of students from Grigore Moisil Mathematics & Informatics High School visited the Access offices to start the early careers programme and a partnership has been formed with the West University of Timişoara to enhance digital and marketing skills in the region this year.
Since opening the opening of the GO Centre in May 2023, staff have raised 56000ron (£9700) for Scoala Mamei Junior, their nominated Charity of the Year, which works with schools, rehab centres for special needs children and hospitals by renovating and bringing in new medical equipment to improve Romania’s healthcare system, especially for children.
Access employees have also taken part in other community events such as quarterly blood donations and tree planting sessions, donating their time, voice and expertise to help those in need, showing their commitment to social responsibility.
The Access Group began its Romania journey in 2018 when it aligned with Intelligent Software Systems (ISS), with 106 employees at that time. Since then, the team has continued to grow, developing ground-breaking solutions such as Access EarlyPay and Access Workspace from its vibrant offices in both Timişoara and Arad.