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Access Legal Launches Digital Workspace for law firms looking to overcome fragmented frustrations

Access Legal, part of The Access Group, is helping UK law firms navigate an increasingly competitive market and growing economic pressures with the launch of Access Workspace for Legal.


Posted 23/05/2022

The law technology specialist has unveiled its new digital solution, which tackles one of the biggest pain points legal firms face of having multiple fragmented systems. Access Workspace for Legal is designed to empower legal professionals to do their most effective work by consolidating people, data and systems into a single, accessible view that will finally remove the challenges that come with having multiple siloed systems within a firm.

The solution, which is being officially launched at The London Law Expo, offers firms the granular business insight needed to engage teams, enhance the client lifecycle and drive cost efficiency by bringing together all of Access Legal’s solutions. These include legal case and practice management software and legal compliance and learning. Firms will also have the ability to add additional solutions such as CRM software, HR or financial software or even payroll or payments technology.

“Put simply, Access Workspace for Legal, brings together all the moving parts of a law firm into a single digital solution. Think of it as turning onto a motorway after driving down single-track country lanes. We’re able to help firms accelerate their growth plans, overtake competitors and see business performance further into the future” said Doug Sawers, Access Legal Managing Director.

“As we recognise that some firms want to start their journey with just case management, we offer all our software standalone but as their firm grows they will easily be able to bring in other solutions – resulting in providing unique opportunities to combine client and case data with staff performance data.”

“Law firms are facing new challenges from a fluctuating economy to a market that is seeing an increasing number of specialist firms cropping up. Traditional practices are finding themselves up against commodity providers, so the focus must be on maintaining standards while increasing efficiency. Detailed, immediate insight on business and operational performance is more important than ever and firms need solutions which provide a platform not a barrier to this.”

Lauren Colbeck, Head of Product at Access Legal has been instrumental in the development of the new offering and knows the importance of accurate and effective data for law firms is a big driver behind launching Access Workspace for Legal:

“Reading data is becoming almost as important as reading legal terms. One of the things we know, no matter the size of the firm, area of law, IT infrastructure, strategy or goals - all firms want to be as efficient as possible and data is a key to achieving this.”

“Firms tend to have data in lots of places - often three or four different systems to log into. This fragmented experience creates a barrier to productivity, impacts the accuracy and effectiveness of data collection not to mention provides a frustrating experience for staff.”

“Having all of your firm’s data in one place means more reliable data and therefore better knowledge, which makes it faster and easier to make decisions - easing the pressure on busy legal professionals to free up time to spend with clients.”

More than 3,800 UK law firms currently benefit from Access Legal solutions, including The MAPD Group, Minster Law, Winn Solicitors, Wolferstans and Neves Solicitors LLP.

Launched in April 2021, Access Legal is part of The Access Group, one of the leading providers of business management software to mid-sized UK and Asia Pacific organisations.

For more information on Access Workspace for Legal, visit: