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Download Installer

Using the Access MicrOpay Installer is an easy way for MicrOpay users to directly download the latest upgrade and then install it for themselves

For detailed steps on how to upgrade MicrOpay, refer to Knowledgebase.



For ESP customers only

You should only download and install ESP software if you are licensed for that module and have access to install it on a web server for deployment.


Download ZIP file

If your IT department will be carrying out your upgrade they may choose to use the zip files which is the slightly more advanced option. If you prefer to download the upgrade file once then install it for each MicrOpay user the zip file may be a better option for you.


Access MicrOpay Client Service Update v3.6.5.0 Release

Release Date March 2024

In this version, we have fixed the leave balance export issue where employees’ leave balances are duplicated and multiple uploads are made to the SFTP server for MicrOpay customers who interact Sage People through SFTP connection.

This is a mandatory update for MicrOpay customers who integrate with Sage People using SFTP pay flow method to avoid any issues. Desktop customers please make sure that you download MCS v3.6.5.0 on or after Tuesday, 5 March 2024.


Access MicrOpay v9.3 SP2 Release

Release Date 24 June 2024

What’s in this Release?

  • Australian tax changes for the 2024/2025 Financial Year.
  • Statutory Super Guarantee percentage increases for 2024/2025 Financial Year.
  • A new, integrated user assistance option, the Access Digital Assistant.
  • In New/Edit Employees Maintenance:
    • A brand new Onboarding feature that streamlines the process of adding new employees to payroll.
    • A new Employee Report, that displays details of new employees added to payroll and employee changes.
  • Two, new IQ reports to display, respectively, employee RFB values in a financial year or years and FEI reported through STP1 in a financial year.
  • Fixes for issues that caused submitted STP Adjustments to fail validation.


Access MicrOpay 9.3 SP1 Release

Release Date 25 March 2024

What’s in this Release?

  • New Zealand tax changes for the 2024/2025 Financial Year.
  • New functionality for easier implementation of employee changes sent from Access MicrOpay ESS or via the Access MicrOpay WebAPI, including:
    • Replacing the New Employees Maintenance grid with the New/Edit Employees Maintenance grid.
    • A new Edit Employee Wizard that provides:
      • Greater visibility of sent employee changes than Implement HR Changes.
      • Ability to edit changes and other employee fields before implementing.
  • Pay advices can now only be produced using one Delivery Method at a time.
  • Several fixes and changes related to STP2.


Access MicrOpay v9.3 B2 Release

Release Date 5 February 2024

What’s in this Release?

  • New IQ reports to display:
    • Foreign Employment Income values per employee.
    • Year to date STP2 amounts, including Reporting Group and Subgroup, by pay component.
  • Improved auditing of paid family and domestic violence leave and foreign employment income changes:
    • New audit checks in the Employee Audit Report
    • Additional logging added to Database Audit Log Report and Database Audit Log Viewer
  • Improved performance when opening the STP Reporting grid and running End of Pay, due to code refactoring.
  • Several fixes and changes related to STP2.


Access MicrOpay 9.2 SP1 B3 Release

Release Date 16 August 2023

This is a mandatory bulletin release that addresses a known discrepancy with reporting of tax values in STP2, for employees with an ETP.

This has resulted in overstated PAYGW being reported to the ATO. The overstated PAYGW is also reflected in employee income statements for the 2022/2023 financial year.

Now, when an ETP is processed for an employee, ETP tax is only reported as ETP PAYGW and the PAYGW amount is reduced by the ETP tax value.

See the advice from the ATO below and refer to release notes for further details.

Advice provided from ATO

What you need to do:

If you have not lodged your 2022/23 tax return, no additional actions are required as the updated figures will flow through to your pre-filling information of your tax return.

If you have lodged your 2022/23 tax return, you will need to ensure the figures used in your tax return match to your updated income statement figures. Your income statement can be accessed via ATO online services through your my gov account or by contacting your registered tax agent. When viewing your updated 2022/23 income statement the ‘Reported date’ field reflects the date your employer last updated your income statement totals with the ATO. 

If the totals in your tax return do not match your income statement, you can request an amendment to your tax return via:

  • your registered tax agent; or
  • ATO’s online services via my gov by selecting the ATO online services homepage > select the 'Manage tax returns' button> select ‘Amend’ for the 2022-23 tax return.

For more information:


Access MicrOpay v9.2 SP1 B1 Release

Release Date 30 June 2023

What’s in this Release?

The release corrects the following issues:

  • Reportable fringe benefit amounts overstated when reported in an STP Update
  • In the STP Year to Date report:
    • ETP amounts excluded from report results, causing a Difference to be incorrectly displayed
    • An error preventing the report from running, when report results included both taxable and tax free ETP amounts.
  • Deduction items displayed in STP Adjustment > Employee Values can now be deleted.



Access MicrOpay v9.2 SP1 Release

Release Date 19 June 2023

What’s in this Release?

Australian Tax Changes for 2023/24

  • STSL Tax scales 01 and 02 update
  • SGL quarterly Contribution Cap increase
  • Component D ETP cap increase
  • ETP Lower Cap increase
  • Super Guarantee percentage increases to 11%

STP Enhancements

  • New STP Year To Date Report to highlight differences between employee year to date STP reported values and their processed pay values.
  • STP Update All Employees filter renamed
  • Previous year Deductions and Lump Sum A now can be zeroed out in STP Adjustment
  • Code field length for Other Allowance Descriptions in Additions has been increased


  • Payroll Company field size increased for Payroll Employee Transaction Variance IQ Report (IQB-EMP010)

Employee Enquiries

  • STP Reporting Groups and Subgroups are now displaying correctly for processed Other Leave and User Defined Leave

Transaction and Processing

  • Changes made to the behaviour of error messages when entering Paid Family and Domestic Violence Leave

Employee Maintenance

  • An FEI or IAA Country can only be used once for employees with multiple FEI or IAA Income Types
  • Error when implementing employee changes after editing employee Default Cost Account has been resolved.


Access MicrOpay v9.2 B1 Release

Release Date 21 April 2023

This is a mandatory upgrade required by the ATO. We have updated STP2 reporting output in MicrOpay v9.2B1 to include the employee date of birth to remain compliant with the ATO.

What’s in this Release?

New Zealand

  • Tax changes for the 2023/2024 Financial year
  • Contributions Holiday checkbox in employee superannuation Fund renamed to Savings Suspension
  • Length of IRD Employee Name field extended

Several changes and fixes related to STP2 reporting, including:

  • Reporting changes for Non-employees
  • Improved checking for processed transactions with no pay advices, to reduce warnings displayed in error when opening the STP Reporting grid.
  • Improved validation when there has been an employee code change
  • Employment date for Death Beneficiaries now reported as 01/01/1800
  • Employee address field lengths updated to match STP2 reporting requirements

Transaction and Processing

  • New option for tracking Paid Family and Domestic Violence Leave hours

Employee Maintenance

  • New maximum length for employee address now validated

Implement HR Changes

  • Bank Splits implemented from third party systems now validated in Implement HR Changes (Implement eHR)
    • Balance of Pay must be provided for at most, one bank split record
      Displayed if no Balance of Pay account exists for employee and there is no Balance of Pay account being implemented.
    • Same Bank Order can't be used twice
      There is a conflict because more than one account used for bank splits has been assigned the same order.
    • Can't set the Balance of Pay more than once

At least one implemented account has the same sort order as the current Balance of Pay account. The Balance of Pay account must always have the lowest sort order, e.g., 0.

  • Blank employee Default Cost Account has been corrected after changes has been implemented

Reporting (including IQ reports and Report Builder Views)

  • IQ-ADVNOTGEN now only includes transactions that require pay advices
  • New IQ Report for tracking Paid Family and Domestic Violence Leave
  • NZ – Contributions Holiday field has been renamed to Savings Suspension in the following views.
    • ipvRBEmpSuper
    • pvMBEmpSuper
    • eivEmpSuperFunds



Access MicrOpay v9.2 Release

Release Date 27 March 2023

What’s in this Release?

New Zealand

  • Tax changes for the 2023/2024 Financial year
  • Contributions Holiday checkbox in employee superannuation Fund renamed to Savings Suspension
  • Length of IRD Employee Name field extended

Several changes and fixes related to STP2 reporting, including:

  • Reporting changes for Non-employees
  • Improved checking for processed transactions with no pay advices, to reduce warnings displayed in error when opening the STP Reporting grid.
  • Improved validation when there has been an employee code change
  • Employment date for Death Beneficiaries now reported as 01/01/1800
  • Employee address field lengths updated to match STP2 reporting requirements

Transaction and Processing

  • New option for tracking Paid Family and Domestic Violence Leave hours

Employee Maintenance

  • New maximum length for employee address now validated

Implement HR Changes

  • Bank Splits implemented from third party systems now validated in Implement HR Changes (Implement eHR)
    • Please note: We have identified an issue in this release which will affect customers using implementing HR changes from a third party provider through Access MicrOpay Web API. This will be fixed in a future release for all Micropay customers, please review this Knowledgebase article Bank order should be within 0 to 999 for detailed instructions on what changes your third party provider would need to make and for instructions on how to fix the error if your third party has not implemented the changes.
  • Blank employee Default Cost Account has been corrected after changes has been implemented

Reporting (including IQ reports and Report Builder Views)

  • IQ-ADVNOTGEN now only includes transactions that require pay advices
  • New IQ Report for tracking Paid Family and Domestic Violence Leave
  • NZ – Contributions Holiday field has been renamed to Savings Suspension in the following views
    • ipvRBEmpSuper
    • pvMBEmpSuper
    • eivEmpSuperFunds

Visit the Access MicrOpay product page