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Kit Morris

Discover how CFOs can support their departments in navigating the innovations and challenges AI brings to finance. Enhance compliance and security with cloud accounting, accelerate financial processes with end-to-end automation, and elevate cash flow forecasting through machine learning algorithms.

What is AI in finance and accounting, and how are finance professionals leveraging artificial intelligence for day-to-day business operations?

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Kit Morris

Are you an accountant providing business advisory services? Do you struggle to have meaningful conversations with your clients around their business performance? 

It may reassure you to know that there is powerful cash flow forecasting software, such as Fathom, that can help you to communicate profit and cash flow to your clients with ease. 

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Kit Morris

Data security is an area that is dear to the finance professional’s heart. In 2024, the cybersecurity landscape will see a sea change in the way that threats emerge and how they are countered.

This piece explores 5 surefire ways to enhance the security or your company’s financial data, from manually checking for software updates to opting for a scalable cloud-based accounting software

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Kit Morris

When speaking with finance leaders about common problems faced in their businesses, there are a few key things you can be sure will crop up. Painful workflow inefficiencies that create bottlenecks and manual errors, insufficient time or resources to work on tasks that add value, and a lack of functional financial management software can all impact your business's efficiency. 

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Kit Morris

The Queensland Competition Authority (the QCA) is a statutory body responsible for economic regulation within the state; promoting the need for competition neutrality amongst Queensland-based businesses who own or operate vital infrastructure, such as ports or railways.

When it came time for the QCA to change its financial management software, it needed a cost-effective solution that could handle the day-to-day complexity of a statewide regulatory body. 

Enter Access Financials. 

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Kit Morris

In the dynamic world of business development, financial management plays a crucial role in sustaining growth and ensuring long-term success. From managing cash flow to optimising investments, businesses must implement effective strategies to navigate the complexities of their industry. 

In this blog, we’ll explore essential financial management strategies that can take your business’s success to the next level, and the finance management software that can help you get there. 

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Kit Morris

We often overlook how fortunate we are to live in a time of transparent banking, so that transaction data is easily accessible for finance professionals. 

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Kit Morris

Learn about warehouse KPIs to benchmark and regularly review to improve operational performance and inventory accuracy.

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Inventory management and warehouse management systems both play a critical role in helping ecommerce businesses save time, automate processes and gain a competitive edge.

You may think these systems serve the same purpose, and while there is some overlap between them, there are key differences in the capabilities and benefits of the two.

In this article, we explore what makes a warehouse management system (WMS) different from inventory management systems (IMS), the benefits they share and how you can combine both in one easy-to-use solution.

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Payroll is often considered a back-office administrative function of finance or HR, but did you know that the actual value of payroll is the payroll data?

This sentiment is echoed in Access Group's 2024 Payroll Research Report.

The report highlights that 43% of business leaders believe their payroll is only used for record-keeping, paying employees and compliance. 

'Human Capital is arguably the largest cost centre of an organisation and typically the most difficult to manage without supporting data.'

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