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Manual Handling Training

Manual handling in the workplace is very common cause of injury and lost time. Therefore, it's crucial for businesses to provide accessible and engaging training to abide by the Manual Handling Operations Regulations, 1992 and 2004. 

Our Manual Handling training is RoSPA accredited written in partnership with industry experts, and helps create a safer working environment.

The benefits of our Manual Handling Training

Did you know? 6.6 million working days were lost to musculoskeletal injuries in 2023 in the UK?

Our training helps make sure your business reduces the risk of lost time due to injuries related to manual handling in the workplace.

  • Learning for everyone: This manual handling course is for all companies and employees who will be moving, lifting and carrying equipment in the workplace.
  • Reduce risk: Our Manual Handling training teaches learners how to use effective techniques when lifting loads to reduce any risk of accidents when manual handling in the workplace.
  • Extensive health and safety learning: Our health and safety catalogue covers a huge range of sectors and job roles, helping you keep your staff safe whilst encouraging a culture of health and safety.

Features of our online Manual Handling course

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More about this online Manual Handling Course

Learning objectives
  • Recognise basic principles of moving and manual handling
  • Understand the potential risks associated with poor manual handling
  • Use effective techniques to lift and handle loads safely
  • Comply with safe working practices when pushing and pulling
  • Recognise the importance of using mechanical aids to minimise risks
  • Avoid, assess and reduce Manual Handling, wherever possible
Manual Handling course content
  • What is Manual Handling - Our Manual Handling training covers what manual handling is, the types of accidents, injuries and the risks as well as manual handling regulations and legislations.
  • Assessing the Risks - Learners are taught how to carry out better lifting and handling including, effective lifting and handling techniques, using mechanical aids as well as pushing, pulling and team lifting methods.
  • Load, Individual, Task, Environment (LITE)  - Learners are taught how to correctly assess a load using LITE to carry out the movement safely and effectively.
  • Signage – This course helps learners understand the relevant signage used in the workplace, what the signage means and how to proceed safely.
  • Individual Differences – Learners are taken through the individual differences that can affect the handling capacity of colleagues.

Part of our comprehensive Health and Safety training catalogue

Our comprehensive, accredited Health and Safety training catalogue covers a broad range of topics to help businesses create a culture of safety and promote a safe and secure working environment, ultimately protecting employees and stakeholders.

Empowering employees to understand relevant risks and mandatory health and safety requirements in the workplace, this training reduces the risk of legal repercussions and safeguards the reputation of your organisation, while ensuring all stakeholders are protected in the workplace.

  • As the UK’s largest provider of health and safety training, we provide a wide range of eLearning courses addressing everything from specialist areas such as Safeguarding and Specialist Environments to fundamental training covering physical and mental wellbeing
  • CPD accredited and produced and written by industry-specific subject matter experts
  • Engaging and accessible content, including real-life scenarios and bitesize modules
  • End of course assessments to ensure knowledge retention and provide effective reporting to governing bodies
  • Robust reporting and powerful tracking to ensure compliance and peace of mind.

A holistic approach to safety in the workplace, that includes not just Manual Handling training but a wide array of health and safety courses, is crucial for businesses in maintaining its reputation and building strong and successful teams.

See what training is included in our broader health and safety training suite.

What our customers say

Why use Access Learning for Manual Handling Courses?

  • Credible content – our courses are accredited, endorsed and designed in partnership with subject matter experts.
  • Multi-platform learning - optimised for mobile and tablet, meaning less text and more engaging, easily accessible content.
  • True ‘bitesize’ microlearning – making your learning experience more manageable, efficient and relevant.
  • Learning pathways - split courses up into digestible topics to make it quicker and easier to find training in the flow of work.
  • Accessible - we are working to make our content more accessible and are designing content with reference to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines.
  • Updated and refreshed – Access Learning courses are regularly updated ensuring the most up to date and compliant content.

Sector specific content to suit your organisation

a man with glasses carrying a cardboard box smiling
Manual handling in the workplace

This course is designed for those who want to learn about the risks and hazards that come with manual handling in the workplace.

AS HSC Care 155406292
Moving and handling for Social Care

Suited to all staff, this course covers the basics of stance, posture and team handling in a safe and effective manner. 


Here's some commonly asked questions:

What do employers have to legally do to reduce the risk of manual handling injuries?

Employers are legally required to take several important steps to reduce the risk of manual handling injuries in the workplace. These steps include:

Conduct Risk Assessments: Employers must assess the risks associated with manual handling tasks by identifying potential hazards, evaluating the level of risk, and determining the appropriate measures to mitigate those risks.

Implement Control Measures: Based on this risk assessment, employers should then implement appropriate control measures to reduce the risk of injury. These measures can include redesigning tasks to minimise manual handling, using mechanical aids, and modifying the work environment to improve safety.

Provide Training and Information: The right Manual Handling training helps educate employees on safe manual handling techniques and helps keep them informed about the risks associated with their tasks. Training should cover proper lifting techniques, the use of equipment, and ways to reduce strain, all of which and more are covered under our Manual Handling training.

Regular Monitoring and Review: Employers should regularly monitor and review manual handling activities and control measures to ensure their safety and effectiveness. This includes revisiting risk assessments and updating procedures as necessary. It is also incredibly important for employers to ensure their Manual Handling training is up to date and continually engaging learners ensuring positive learning outcomes.

Encourage Reporting and Feedback: Effective feedback is critical to ensure the effectiveness of control measures and ensure manual handling issues are rectified. Continual feedback leads to continual improvements in workplace safety.

What is manual handling in the workplace?

Manual handling in the workplace involves the lifting, carrying, pushing, pulling, or moving of objects by hand or bodily force. This encompasses a wide range of activities such as lifting boxes, carrying equipment, or moving furniture.

Correct manual handling is crucial to prevent injuries in the workplace, particularly musculoskeletal disorders, which are common in jobs requiring physical labour. Employers must assess the risks associated with manual handling tasks and implement control measures, including training employees on correct techniques, using mechanical aids, and redesigning tasks to reduce manual effort.

Ensuring safe manual handling practices helps maintain a healthy workforce and enhances overall workplace safety.

What is the difference between moving and handling and manual handling?

The terms "moving and handling" and "manual handling" are often used interchangeably, but they have different meanings in the context of workplace safety:

Manual Handling refers to lifting, carrying, pushing, or pulling loads by hand or bodily force. It focuses on physical effort and preventing musculoskeletal injuries, governed by the Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992.

Moving and Handling encompasses both manual handling and the use of mechanical aids (like hoists or trolleys) to move objects or people safely. This broader term is often used in healthcare, for example, emphasising safe patient handling.

What is moving and handling?

The definition of moving and handling is the processes involved in lifting, carrying, pushing, pulling, or otherwise moving objects or people in a safe manner. This is particularly important in industries such as healthcare, manufacturing, and construction where improper techniques can lead to injuries.

The key components of safe moving and handling include risk assessments, using appropriate equipment, and applying correct techniques to minimize the risk of injury. Effective training ensures that workers understand how to perform these tasks safely, reducing the likelihood of musculoskeletal injuries and promoting overall workplace safety.

Which industries are most at risk of manual handling related injuries?

Manual handling is something which will happen in all industries; however, there are some which are more exposed to the risks of manual handling than others, including:

  • Health workers
  • Delivery drivers
  • Office workers
  • Shop workers
  • Builders
  • Engineers

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