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There’s life beyond a crisis. It’s time to play the long-game.

Alex Wortley

Charity Website Specialist

Well, no-one expected that. In a few short weeks, coronavirus has turned lives upside down and fundraising strategies inside out. With NCVO forecasting £4 billion lost in just 12 weeks, legacies devalued, trust and corporate investments hit, it’s enough to make you want to pack up and go home. But wait. You already are home (or maybe you’ve just gone back to work?). So much of everything that has happened is out of our control. But now the initial shock is over, we can control the way we choose to respond. You could sit and mourn what was. Lament over the unfairness of it all. Or you could pick yourself up and start thinking forward. After all, your charity has a world to change, and that means:

Information gathering

It would be great to have a Magic 8 ball right now, but the reality is we don’t know what the future holds. But knowledge, as they say, is power. In the light of so much uncertainty, you need to do everything you can to fill in the gaps. Talk to your donors. And we’re not just talking individuals. Major donors, trusts, corporates, institutions… Find out how the crisis has (and is) affecting them, and what their short, medium and long-term plans are. They’re probably still figuring it out too - but you need to know how they’re feeling, what their prospects and plans are, no matter what stage they’re at. Keep an open dialogue. The more information you have, the more accurate future strategies will be.

Scenario planning

Remember your annual plan? A good chunk has gone out the window, but that doesn’t mean it’s worthless. Dust it off and give it a good read. Remember how fired up you felt when you wrote it? Hold on to that feeling. Think about what stays, what’s already gone, what might have to go, and what can be salvaged. Remember, you are not starting from scratch. You’ve adapted before and you can adapt again. The task now is to evolve your plan to fit a range of different scenarios – short, medium and long-term. Don’t just pluck ideas and activities out of thin air. Use the information you’ve gathered to developed evidence-based plans and forecasts. Look at your fundraising activity over the past weeks and months. Can you see where there’s potential for growth? Integrate this into your planning process. Set indicators and monitor the situation closely, being sure to look out for signs of a particular scenario coming into fruition.

Polishing your survival tactics

We know it’s daunting. Terrifying even. But as you look beyond the COVID-19 crisis, you need to remember two things. One. You’ve fundraised before. You know what to do, and how to do it. Two. You are not alone. No charity has made it through unscathed, and everyone has a mountain to climb. Now is not a time for competition. It’s a time for collaboration, in every sense of the word! Stay in regular communication with your Board. Make sure they are aware of the challenges you face, and of the ways they can help. Work with your team, your peers and colleagues. Share concerns, ideas and inspirations. Use each other for strength and work together to develop a plan of action. Don’t be afraid to talk to other charities. Everyone has something to give and something to learn. Including donors. So keep them involved in your plans. Be open about your challenges and get ready to carve a future together.