Download our free CQS Guide

Download our free CQS Guide
CQS is a must-have for any SRA-regulated conveyancers. Without it firms face much greater difficulties in being added to lender panels and face much higher PII premiums, making the cost of practice extremely prohibitive.
In this Guide, we offer practical advice on various areas of CQS that you could implement not only to ensure compliance with the Core Practice Management Standards, but also to enhance your business practices.
Download the guide for guidance on:
- Gaining CQS accreditation and reaccreditation, with practical advice from an experienced risk and compliance consultant who has helped many law firms to gain CQS.
- Implementing business continuity measures, protecting against cyber threats and preparing for any events that may prevent your firm from practicing.
- How to develop an effective learning and development strategy that meets the needs of your firm and your employees.
- How to have proper risk management procedures in your law firm.