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Book a review with one of our benefits experts and get a top-level savings model tailored to your business.

Maximise Your Savings with PeopleXD Evo

The recent Autumn Budget has presented businesses with increased costs and a complex tax landscape. However, there's a solution: Salary Sacrifice Schemes.

By leveraging a Salary Sacrifice scheme you can:

  • Reduce Employer NICs: Save up to £138 (rising to £150 in April 2025) per £1,000 of salary sacrificed.
  • Reduce Employee Tax and NICs: Employees can save up to £420 for every £1,000 sacrificed.
  • Enhance Employee Benefits: Offer a comprehensive benefits package to attract and retain top talent.
  • Streamline Administration: Simplify your HR processes with our seamless integration.

Trusted by organisations of all shapes, sizes and industries