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Access Procure Wizard

See how you can implement a waste reduction plan to help improve profitability

Many kitchens still waste as much on food as they bank in profit. We have a quick and simple solution to help you identify when and where you generate the most waste. Our effective waste management software, will help you track waste against multiple menus, categories and units, allowing you to proactively reduce this problem at its source.

Access Procure Wizard has transformed our business. Our procurement was very much spreadsheet based but by implementing the system, it really turned that around and has given us control over everything we do.

- Dalata

Some of our Hospitality clients

Clientlogos Squares C EAT (9)
Clientlogos Squares C Gourmetburgerkitchen (10)
Clientlogos Squares C Itsu (10)
Clientlogos Squares C Revolution (9)
Clientlogos Squares C Youngs (10)