Hospitality Procurement Software

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How to save significant costs through menu engineering

Are you concerned about the profitability of your menu as food costs rise? Perhaps you’re spending too much time trying to cost dishes, only for them to be out-of-date by the time they’re live? And can you quickly and easily identify the best and worst performers on your menu, so you can make informed decisions over which dishes remain?

We all wish the above could be simpler!

That’s why we’ve created this short video to show you exactly how all the above and more can be achieved through using menu engineering technology that is directly linked to your purchase to pay system.

Watch this 7min on-demand video to find out:

  • How any changes in suppliers’ costs, can be automatically applied to your dishes and menu
  • How you can easily create event menus, see theoretical GP and cost of delivering the event
  • How to assess your dishes based on popularity and profitability, so you can make the right choices