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Access My School Portal

How My School Portal helps secondary schools

My School Portal is a secure and sophisticated platform, designed for secondary school. It collates all student information and data into one place for staff, parents and guardians.

One username, one password, one view.

The all-in-one platform for secondary schools

Free up your valuable admin time, improve communications, simplify school lunches, organise parents evening, clubs, trips and more, plus benefit from faff-free finances with online payments.

Parent friendly features for better engagement

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Single sign-on

Break down the barriers to access information by making it quick and easy for parents and guardians to login.

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Keep everyone up-to-date with what’s happening in school with the My School Portal calendar. From timetable, to clubs and homework due it’s all so easy to view.

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Clubs & trips

Shown on a student’s timetable, parents can quickly book, manage and keep track of the clubs and activities their child is signed up to.

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Amazon Alexa

Just ask Alexa! Very popular with parents, our Amazon Alexa integration is a nice little touch that helps parents keep on top of their child’s school life.

Read how investing in one multi-purpose platform can save you 20%

Simple communication features to empower staff

Read more about parent communication.

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Get the word out and give busy parents peace of mind that they are on top of the many different forms, trips, clubs and announcements your school makes.

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Direct to the devices in your parents pockets and sent via the lowest tariff, we ensure parent communications are as cost-effective as possible on the lower tariff which could save your school thousands.

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Social media

My School Portal makes all communications seamless across all channel with our social media and newsfeed widgets.

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Keep parents on top of what is happening in school with cross channel communication, from your website to social media, everything is linked and up to date.

We can change with your needs

Every school is unique and therefore has different requirements. The beauty of My School Portal is we do everything you will ever need to manage students, data, parent communications, online payments and bookings.

We tailor the platform to your exact needs and if they change, you’ll never need to look elsewhere as we have all the solutions you need.

Cashless catering for faff-free finances

Read more about school payments.

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Meal management

Add menus, book meals and collect payments. It couldn’t be easier with My School Portal.

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Dinner money

Ease the burden and hassle of collecting, counting, reconciling and banking cash.

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Easy finance

Manage stock availability, monitor FSM and UIFSM, and track debtor accounts to help parents manage payments.

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Simple admin

Flexible and secure, our cashless payment solution is fast, easy to administrate and provides all the reporting you need.

Online bookings and payments all in one place

Read more about school payments.

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Online payments

Collect online and seamlessly integrate them with your finance system. Most importantly relax knowing all payments are secure and it’s just one less thing to think about.

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Clubs & trips

Streamline your bookings for trips, clubs, activities and more. All bookings automatically show up on the parent's calendar and child’s timetable to ensure nothing is missed.

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Parents evening

My School Portal simplifies the booking process and then gives the option to host the parents either online or virtually via Teams, Google or Zoom.

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Reduced admin

Reduce your admin time by allowing parents to manage their own bookings and let them book and pay all in one go.

We are known for our support

We are always on hand to ensure you are getting the most value from your investment.

“My School Portal is a proper partnership rather than simply being issued with something (for us) to use. They are there to support you along the way”
Neal Parker, Head, King Edward VI School

Learning features to show parents how their child is progressing

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Help busy parents stay on top of their child’s learning to help them progress further. Staff can quickly assign homework to their class, and it will show up on the parents' calendar.

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Remote learning

Set, manage, submit and mark all in one place. For students that can’t be in school for a variety of reasons you can support them in the same way you do the children in your class.

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Student reports

My School Portal is the ideal way to send out reports. Online and paper-free they are stored for parents to view, download and refer back to whenever they may need.

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Progress reporting

Teachers can use the learning environment to keep everything all in one place, assigned to each individual child, and help them deliver a better parents evening experience.

Speed up administrative tasks

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MIS Data Integration

We integrate with your school's MIS so you only ever need one portal for everything. It’s quick and easy to set up and we do all the work for you.

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Go paper-free

Save hours of admin time, reduce printing costs and improve response rates with our online and customisable forms.

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All in one place

Everything is safely stored against each individual child, making it quick and easy for staff or parents to refer to forms, documents, results and more.

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Security you can trust

Your data, information and reputation is safe with us. My School Portal is secure and compliant to the recognised international standard for security practice ISO27001:2013.

New releases

We are always looking at ways to improve, new functionality and features are included as part of your subscription, free of charge. Join the My School Portal family and achieve more.

Discover more software for the education sector

Accesseducation My School Portal 02
Parent communication

A powerful engagement platform connecting teachers, parents, pupils & guardians - providing instant access to what matters most about a child’s education.

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Parents evening

Streamline your parents evening processes to make it simple for busy parents to schedule in the time they need with teachers.

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School payments

A cashless, secure, and easy to use solution that enables parents and guardians to have more control and visibility over their children's school lunches and events.

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Teaching resources

Content, assessment, and data all on one platform. Expert-led education resources combined with essential monitoring and reporting.


Seamlessly integrated with Access Education Budgets, Access Education Finance was created alongside leading education figures to improve financial visibility.

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HR & payroll

Streamline your HR processes and ensure staff are paid accurately and on time, all while managing sickness and absence, analysing critical trends, or creating detailed reports.


Confidently prepare your schools budget with our leading cloud-based solution. Helping you create accurate, balanced school budgets and forecasts for up to five years.

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Absence management

Proactively manage who’s off, who’s sick and where staff are working in just a few clicks using our sickness absence management system.