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Recruitment productivity and performance technology

Translate information into intelligence and data into decisions.

Vincere’s intelligence suite is the ultimate recruitment AI and analytics platform. A sophisticated cloud-based productivity tool that integrates with Vincere Core CRM/ATS, enabling recruitment businesses to translate information into intelligence and data into decisions. Empower your consultants on a daily basis, offering visibility to managers to see the bigger picture so your agency can scale and grow sustainably.

Increase recruiter performance and retention

Vincere has everything you need in one centralized location, and one single source of truth for reporting:

  • Gain access to a library of 50+ best practice dashboards


  • Actionable insights and enhanced performance


  • Drill-down data in real-time with pre-built filters by clients, companies, teams and individuals.

See Vincere in action

Supporting your entire recruitment operation, from front, middle to back

Vincere Intelligence is browser-based so you can easily access your data, no matter where you are. A one source of truth across your entire recruitment ecosystem, which is essential in today’s hybrid world.

  • Consultant dashboard: Visibility on all candidate activities, interviews booked, CVs sent and KPIs across the board, empowering your consultants to hit their targets.
  • Team manager dashboard: Monitor your team’s performance against monthly and annual targets, use the development tool to coach your consultants to success.
  • Senior management dashboard: Total visibility of your recruitment operations across different locations and currencies.

Recruitment technology that plugs into one innovative platform

From software products designed to solve key challenges, to a fully integrated solution:

- Attract and reach candidates with Volcanic Recruitment

- Place more candidates quicker with our Recruitment CRM

- Pay staff and bill clients with our recruitment agency payroll software Access FastTrack360

Discover how Access can help your entire recruitment business become more productive and efficient – giving you the freedom to focus on clients and candidates.

All the software you need to Attract. Manage. Pay.