ANZ specific Payroll and Billing software for recruitment agencies
Robust and reliable payroll and billing software solutions that have been built specifically for recruiters, to help your back-office recruitment finance team be more productive.
Our pay and bill software streamlines your business-critical timesheet, billing and payroll processes, benefitting your business by reducing your manual input, increasing your ability to remain compliant and improve your cash flow.

The recruitment agency payroll and billing software
No matter what size business you are we have a pay solution that can cater for recruitment agencies across different industry sectors. Whether you are looking for contractor or temporary payroll, we have you covered.
Looking for an accurate and efficient payroll and billing software?
Our Pay and Bill solutions support your agency with a range of solutions, from SaaS, to bespoke, to outsourcing – whatever your requirements, we are here to help transform your recruitment agency payroll.

What you need to know about our recruitment agency payroll software
Download our Pay and Bill E-Book
Pay and Bill FAQs
What is recruitment agency payroll?
Recruitment agency payroll software allows you to validate and automate timesheet collection at high volumes, track purchase orders, provide sophisticated reporting along with accurate Gross Profit output, allow flexible options for client-specific input and be the conduit to the financial system.
This is just some of what we think is a key functionality, but what will start to Pay and Bill from the back office and into the heart of the business.
How can recruitment agency payroll help my agency?
A recruitment specific payroll system should easily process PAYE, Contractor, Ltd. Company and Umbrella worker types, reduce the need for multiple systems to permit client billing requirements and reduce the time spent for consultants to manually enter data.
A recruitment specific payroll system will also ensure your agency is compliant with the latest legislation such as IR35, when paying off payroll contractors. This gives you and your agency peace of mind that you are always up to date and compliant.
These are all factors that stunt growth and opportunity, so a good recruitment payroll system should combat all those elements and facilitate exactly what an agency needs to thrive in an extremely competitive and crowded market.
What are the key benefits of Pay and Bill software?
The Access Pay and Bill software allow payment to workers and invoice to clients from a single system.
The worker relationship can be managed regardless of whether the supplier relationship is a direct employee (i.e. PAYE), self-employed, partnership, limited company or through a third party such as an “umbrella” or composite company or as a second-tier relationship with another employment agency.
Can you bill out of your software?
Yes, is the short answer! Not only does the Access Pay and Bill system allow payment to workers it will invoice clients from a single system.
You will also have options and the ability to customise the invoice detail for each client and their own specific needs if you wish.
Discover how to select pay and bill software for your recruitment agency
Recruitment technology that plugs into one innovative platform
From software products designed to solve key challenges, to a fully integrated solution:
- Attract and reach candidates with Volcanic Recruitment
- Place more candidates quicker with our Recruitment CRM
- Pay staff and bill clients with our recruitment agency payroll software Access FastTrack360
Discover how Access can help your entire recruitment business become more productive and efficient – giving you the freedom to focus on clients and candidates.