An integrated HandiSoft module
Access HandiSoft’s practice solutions helps streamline your accounting workflows from bookkeeping through to tax preparation and lodgement. HandiLedger provides client accounting, depreciation and statutory compliance reporting.

Easily generate compliant financial accounts and reports with HandiLedger
HandiLedger’s powerful general ledger system produces high-quality reports that can be easily exported to Excel, or emailed as PDF attachments with one click.
HandiLedger includes standard charts of accounts and reports for sole traders, partnerships, trusts, companies and superannuation funds.
Benefit from full BAS support, plus comprehensive integration with Access HandiSoft modules including HandiTax, HandiAsset and HandiBiz.
View the Access HandiSoft suite
HandiLedger add-on modules

Links HandiLedger account balances to the in-built working paper templates and facilitates the process of reviewing your accounting jobs.

Substantially speeds-up the HandiLedger data entry process by allowing users to automate the importing of clients’ banking transactions directly from the relevant institutions.

Together with HandiTax and HandiLedger, it provides calculations, checks, workings and journals that you need to meet Australian reporting and tax requirements for SuperFunds.