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Handisoft BankFeeds

An integrated HandiSoft module

Securely import clients’ banking transactions directly into HandiLedger and dramatically reduce the time it takes to journal-in entries.

Secure service

Handisoft BankFeeds is a secure service that streams banking transactions data directly from a client’s bank account directly to their accountant HandiLedger solution.

Data imports seamlessly into the accounts preparation module, HandiLedger, eliminating the need for costly, time-consuming manual data entry.

Handisoft BankFeeds can access transaction accounts from all the largest Australian banks.

Streamline compliance workflows

Removes the need to manually provide the accountant with bank statements, allowing clients to get on with running their business.

Safe and secure

Account information can only be accessed with client permission.

All major banks

BankFeeds can access transaction accounts from the major Australian banks and more.

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