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Employee Service

Safeguard your business from salary underpayments with Employee Service

If you pay any of your staff a salary, it is likely you’re impacted by the Fair Work Modern Award Act. Failure to comply can result in criminal charges, heavy personal fines and reputational risk.

Compliance in as little as 2 days*

Access Employee Service is designed to protect your organisation, and its individuals from the risk of wage theft via a solution specifically designed to meet your Annual Salary Arrangements compliance obligations:

  • Meet your fair work obligation with digital timesheets ensuring accurate time capture for salaried employees impacted by the new act.
  • Eliminate the uncertainty of non-compliance by proactively identifying any underpayments before they occur.
  • A fast to deploy, cost-effective cloud solution that delivers compliance at a low total cost of ownership to the business.
  • Payroll agnostic solution that can be deployed in as little as 2 days*.

Explore the steps to payroll compliance with Access Employee Service

Step 1. Capture
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Ensure the capture of accurate and detailed time and attendance records for salaried employees impacted by the Fair Work Commission's Annual Salary Arrangement legislation.

  • Intuitively enter start/stop times on any device, anytime, anywhere, including unpaid breaks beyond employee ‘outer limits’.
  • Decrease the overheads of capturing time records for employees with standard work schedules via preconfigured templates.
  • Convenient access for managers to view and approve timesheets.
Step 2. Interpret
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Eliminate the uncertainty of underpaying your salaried employees with Access Employee Service’s powerful award engine, specifically designed for Australia’s demanding regulatory environment.

  • Remove the overhead of managing award interpretations by leveraging the impacted modern awards pre-built within Employee Service.

  • Simplified management for attaching employees to their relevant awards.

  • Flexibility that enables employees to be assigned against multiple awards.

Step 3. Compare
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Perform the analysis necessary to identify any underpayments that need to be remitted to your affected employees.

  • Annual comparison between salary arrangement and what would have been earned based on actual recorded hours and the relevant award.
  • Powerful visual indicators of any employee underpayments to review and trigger a reconciliation of backpay.
  • Identification of any ‘outer-limit’ hours and calculation of any overtime and entitlements.

Fair Work Commission compliance solution for any organisation

Ensure compliance with Fair Work's Annual Salary Arrangement Act, no matter what payroll system you use, with a solution that can be deployed in as little as 2 days*

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Payroll independent

Access Employee Service provides all you need to deliver compliance to your organisation without needing to replace your existing payroll system in as little as 2 days*.

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Import with ease

Access Employee Service's portal or import timesheets in bulk from another system, Access Employee Service can compare these against FWA’s modern awards to ensure your organisation is compliant.

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Pre-built award templates

Remove the hassle and expense of managing award interpretations by leveraging the supported pre-built award template in Access Employee Service.

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Access MicrOpay integration

Access Employee Service can be integrated with Access MicrOpay to import interpreted timesheets data and automate any required backpay transactions.

Mitsui & Co. utilise Access Employee Service for payroll compliance

With Employee Service, I’m very confident that we’re meeting our Fair Work Annual Salary Arrangement obligations.

Antony Auliso, Director and General Manager of HR, Mitsui & Co. (Australia) Ltd.

See Access Employee Service in action

* The 'in as little as two days’ deployment timeline is based on a non-integrated solution for businesses with under 200 employees. For businesses that have additional requirements, integration to existing payroll system or greater than 200 employees, implementation scope and timeline will need to be accessed. Note : Staff training is not included in the implementation project timeline.