WageEasy Single Touch Payroll (STP) Phase 2
Be prepared with a comprehensive set of Access WageEasy resources to streamline your transition to the new STP Phase 2 reporting requirements.

What do I need to do?
1) Familiarise yourself with the ATO Employers Guide.
2) Review your allowance list and plan what each allowance would be categorised in STP2. If there you are unsure about any, now is the time to contact the ATO to get clarification.
What happens next in your STP2 transition:
- Keep an eye out for regular updates. You should have already started receiving STP2 notifications from The Access Group.
- Enhancements will be included in upcoming software releases to accommodate the new reporting requirements.
- Bookmark this page where you can join upcoming events and download materials.
Want to know more about how WageEasy solutions are assisting 1000’s of Australian businesses to manage their payroll and compliance needs? View the WageEasy solution page
Our Latest Wage Easy STP2 Video Webinar Series
WageEasy STP 2 Quick Start Guide for Employers
Access Single Touch Payroll Consulting Services
No need to go it alone, our team of consultants are ready to take you though your own STP2 journey to ensure you transition efficiently.

Preparation for STP2 and go live
- Work you can be doing now before the May software release, covering Company Details, Award Payments, Allowances, Leave, Miscellaneous Loadings, Unions and changes to employee configuration.
- Exploring ATO STP2 examples and how they might be configured in the STP2 wizard or elsewhere in the system.
- Creation of new Allowances if required.

STP2 Readiness Consulting
- Complete comprehensive review of your STP2 readiness
- Assist with the recategorisation of Allowance categories
- Review of Tax table setup
- Employee Cessation reason checks.
- STP audit reporting
Wage Easy STP2 Resources
To help you navigate through the STP2 changes, we’ve put together some resources.