Express Leave Management Software
An easy way to manage employee leave requests online.

Replace your paper forms with a reliable online leave system
Attaché Express Leave lets employees view their leave balances and leave history online as well as submit leave requests. They can include supporting documentation, such as medical certificates, which are uploaded and stored.
Leave requests are then sent to the relevant manager who approves (or rejects) the request, with the employee receiving an automatic email notification.
Leave details are imported into the payroll prior to pay processing, eliminating paperwork and manual data entry. You’ll save time and reduce the chance of costly errors.

Manage staff more efficiently
The staff calendar allows employees and managers to view the leave plans of other staff and foresee periods of over- or under-staffing. Manage staff levels by tracking all absences and record the attendance and non-availability of contractors. Identify employees with excess accumulated leave to prevent future cash flow impacts, and indicate potential leave reporting failures.

Reduce leave queries
Both employees and their managers have access to current leave entitlements when applying for and approving leave requests. Requests can be quickly assessed without contacting the payroll department to find out whether the employee has sufficient leave available. Company leave policies can be displayed so staff know when they require supporting documentation.

Refresh your leave process
- Reduce queries from employees and managers about leave balances
- Enter leave in days or hours
- Display your leave policy information e.g. Medical evidence required following 2 or more days leave
- Upload and store medical certificates or other supporting documents
- Improved data integrity: Express Leave recognises if a leave request already exists for that day
- No double-entry of data: leave details are imported into payroll
- Updated masterfile details and leave balances automatically sync back to Express Leave
- Include non-payroll employees (such as contractors) whose leave also needs to be tracked.