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Career development

Developing student employability

Build student and graduate employability on an industry leading career development platform designed specifically for colleges and universities.

Used extensively in Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, and Europe, the Abintegro Career Centre platform helps students and graduates supercharge their careers and employability.

Using the latest AI technology, it gives institutions the ability to offer thousands of students the support and guidance previously only offered in a 1-2-1 meeting or workshop setting.

Last year alone over 6.2 million careers interactions were completed on our University and College platform, and this is continuing to grow year on year.


One of the most widely used student employability platforms

The Abintegro platform is fully customisable, and there’s even the option to have a mobile App. Institutions use their own branding, adapt the navigation and content to meet specific needs, create custom pages and build programmes to support careers objectives / initiatives / awards.

Due to the adaptability, and highly configurable nature, the platform offers career leaders the ability to build a resource that can support a diverse range of students. Different configurations (themes) can even be created to provide specific experiences e.g., different themes for student’s vs graduates.

Our content is designed and developed to support career benchmark frameworks (e.g., Career Edge+) and our dedicated content team publish new content every week.  

The improvement on student career confidence and competencies is fully measurable and institutions are transforming their employability outcomes as a result. The platform uses AI to support CV building / checking, interview skills / techniques / preparation and job and career matching.

The platform also includes career assessments, occupational / labour market research tools and soft skills development training.

Explore how this career development solution can work for you

Key features of Career Centre

  • Digital Advice & Guidance - 1,500 employer films deliver the latest employability and job search advice direct from hiring managers.

  • Career Assessments - Including motivation, personality, workplace culture and resilience assessments with reports highlighting practical career considerations.

  • eLearning Resources - Covering critical areas, such as, handling interviews, researching employers, networking, working with recruiters, ehirability and self employment.

  • Career Tools - Suite of interactive tools including CV builder, career planner, interview simulator, job search engine, psychometric/aptitude tests.

  • Career Service Automation - Appointment/event booking, file storage, note taking, activity tracking/reporting, CV/Resume review, job posting and careers CRM.

  • Integration/Administration - Integrate to a VLE/intranet or deploy resources directly into your web pages. Adapt the branding, content and navigation to suit your clients.

Other Career Development Solutions

Career Development For Staff
Career development for staff
Helping Getting People Back Into Work
Helping get people back into work
Career Development Support
Career development for members
Managing Staff
Managing staff career transitions

Download the Career Centre brochure