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Success story:
Mantle Group

How Access Collins centralised online reservations and given the the Mantle Group team more freedom to focus on what is important to them.

Mantle Group Image (1)

After making the decision to set up a centralised booking and functions team for 10+ venues we needed one system that would be able to handle standard reservations while also having the capability to facilitate large scale event organisation - this is where Collins came in.

Collins has been a game-changer with it's all-in-one approach, meaning we do not have to flick between multiple booking systems and risk missing a detail with a booking or function. The Collins Pay, pre-order and mail functions have also made the whole process seamless for all parties involved.

Having everything in one place also makes reporting a breeze, making it incredibly easy to predict year-on-year trends and see growth both at venue level and across the group as a whole.

The Collins team are always willing to help with any queries that arise and are quick and efficient with a response.

Alix Hardess - Mantle Group