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The importance of passive candidates in today’s recruitment market

Between Covid and Brexit, we’ve all had a challenging few years in the recruitment industry. Capturing the attention of potential candidates has never felt more urgent in recent years, and we know companies across the industry are all rushing to optimise recruitment processes to improve candidate engagement.

Of your potential candidates, passive candidates are the most desirable – they make up around 75% of the workforce, and are individuals who are already in employment or not otherwise actively looking for work, but could engage with a vacancy if convinced. They are more likely to be loyal to whichever company they work for as they are found to be employees who assess job opportunities holistically, as a long-term move, rather than a stepping stone elsewhere.

Posted 08/06/2022

1. Have something to say

Utilising your social media outlets and company blog is absolutely worth investing your time in if you’re looking to engage passive candidates - it might even be the perfect time for a website revamp. While these candidates may not be browsing job listings, they will likely be looking to keep up to date with the industry they’re passionate about and want to keep up to date with developments. Make sure to work with industry trends to achieve the greatest reach and visibility.

2. Present your brand as employee-focused

Passive candidates are not in any rush to make a career move and will need to be fully convinced that any job change will fit them – and this doesn’t just include their prospective new to-do list. They’ll be looking for a stable working environment, room for training and development, and a welcoming, open team environment to truly consider a move for the long run.

Ensure that your brand narrative encompasses an employee focus, reflecting on their wellbeing and opportunities for advancement. Include meet the team and development blogs on your website, make sure to engage with discussion on social media, and focus on your employee experience wherever possible to make the most impact.

3. Utilise niche networks

Although it’s not always seen as the sexiest tool in the recruitment kit, never underestimate the power of intelligent networking. Take a look into your existing networking groups to see where you might be able to reach out, and remember to explore more niche networking spaces where you will be more likely to reach candidates with the exact cross-section of skills you’re looking for, and with a strong base of positive references and client support.

4. Futureproof your passive candidate retention

While our tips above are designed to attract passive candidates in the depths of the candidate crisis, they will also stand you in great stead as the recruitment industry continues to shift and change. Bringing these tips into your recruitment skillset will go a long way to futureproof your engagement and candidacy efforts long term. If we’ve got you eager to develop your recruitment plans further, we have a host of resources and expertise waiting for you – just get in touch to see how we can help.