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How to keep on top of recent changes to payroll compliance

Navigating the ever-evolving payroll regulatory landscape is one of the most significant challenges facing payroll teams across Australia and New Zealand. And there were plenty of changes introduced this year.

The Access Blog
2 minutes

Posted 19/11/2021

Those in Australia experienced changes to superannuation and the introduction of the JobMaker scheme. Across the ditch, payday filing version 2 became mandatory for New Zealand employers, and historic reforms to sick leave entitlements came into effect.

At Access, we understand how difficult it is to stay on top of ever-evolving payroll compliance requirements. That’s why we’ve created a quick and easy guide to help you get up to speed on all the most pressing changes to the payroll compliance landscape.

Download The Quick Guide to Payroll Compliance 2022 to learn about:

  • Changes to Australian superannuation, including the introduction of super stapling

  • Fair Work Australia’s Annualised Salary reporting obligations and new measures introduced by the Annual Wage Review

  • JobMaker reporting requirements and financial assistance schemes offered by state governments

  • New reporting requirements introduced by the ATO and changes to the Seasonal Worker Program

  • What Single Touch Payroll Phase 2 will mean for Australian businesses in 2022

  • Changes to New Zealand’s payday filing and leave entitlements

Download The Quick Guide to Payroll Compliance 2022 Now