1. Keep up-to-date employee records
The first tip for making sure your HR & Payroll work together seamlessly is to ensure your HR records are up-to-date and accurate. A lot of companies centralise their HR system, in order to integrate up-to-date, accurate employee data into the other systems that they utilise. This means having the correct employee contact details, and salary information, you can set reminders to check and update this information periodically.
2. Check that you can import and export the data you need
The second tip is to make sure your HR system can export the data your payroll system needs and that your payroll system is able to accept the file types the HR system can provide. Most payroll and HR providers will be able to import/export basic file types, such as .CSV
3. Have a process in place to check and validate data, and correct errors
The third and final tip for creating a harmonious HR & Payroll ecosystem, is to ensure you have a data validation process in place. Once your integration is set up properly, the majority of errors which occur will be human error.
You need to have a method of validation and a process for correcting any potential errors which occur. Being able to recognise and solve problems early, or even pre-empt issues, is a hallmark of a high performing payroll team.