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Is your workforce tech savvy?

In our everyday lives, we’re surrounded by technology – from smartphones and tablets, to laptops and touchscreens. But just how tech-savvy are your staff?

Although most of us make frequent use of technology tools, we’re probably all guilty to some extent of underutilising what’s available to us. If your employees aren’t using their work tools to their fullest extent, it could mean missed opportunities for your business, potentially reduced productivity or efficiency, and at worst, errors.

Human Resources 2 minutes
Posted 16/08/2021

Many of your employees will have learned new skills whilst working remotely during the COVID-19 pandemic. Some may have done so via online training, others by exploring the technology tools at their disposal. But whilst expanding their knowledge in this way does have advantages, it’s not as effective as structured training that develops the specific skills needed to meet your business’s objectives.

How can HR offer structured training to employees?

Creating training programs that cater to an individual’s learning needs is a complex process for HR leaders. That’s why training software is such a useful tool. This kind of solution can be accessed on a standalone basis in the cloud, or can be added to your existing HR software package. One of the biggest advantages of training software is that it’s proven to be effective in identifying skills gaps, creating training plans for individuals, and keeping track of progress across the workforce.

You may also want to review your training packages and identify if there are any specific elements that can be tailored to the current climate. For example, as working patterns have changed, some staff may want training on the systems they now use whilst working from home. For instance, training on how to be more effective in video conference calls.

Ultimately, the change we’ve lived through also presents opportunities to learn. With remote working now in place at many organisations, employees may well be more responsive than ever to learning digitally. So if you want to boost your employee’s tech skills (or any other skills for that matter), this is as good a time as any.

For more information about cloud-based training software or online learning packages – contact Access. Our technology specialists would be delighted to hear from you.

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