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How can cloud technology give my business a competitive edge?

There are many reasons why companies are moving business operations to the cloud. Convenience and security are among the top considerations. 

Increasing your competitive edge may not come to mind when considering cloud-based business solutions, but it should. By thinking strategically about the features offered by advanced cloud hosting solutions, you can get ahead of your competitors in several ways. 

The Access Blog
3 minutes

Posted 06/02/2023

Businesses of all sizes are using their migration to the cloud to reassess their approach to governance and turn it into a business advantage. They are even relishing new and challenging changes to data regulation, as cloud-based business operations can be used to simplify compliance with these regulations, giving cloud-based enterprises a distinct advantage over many competitors. 

Data regulation 

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has caused much concern among many companies based in, or doing business with, the EU. It is easy to overlook the fact that these updated regulations were long overdue, and were aimed at protecting and securing data in a technological world where things had changed significantly since the previous regulations were drawn up.  

As a UK headquartered business, The Access Group is more familiar than most with what Australian and New Zealand businesses need to consider when managing customer data. 

Data regulations will continue to evolve as technology does, and this will certainly not be the last change made to the rules and guidelines that govern appropriate and ethical data storage. 

Data is the new currency, and that is why it is more important than ever for companies to treat data with care and attention. This includes company and employee data, as well as customer data. All organisations need to have a clear and transparent plan for how data is collected, stored and used, including why certain data is held, how it is saved, and who can access it. 

The best VMware public cloud hosting includes integrated security measures and features to ensure that data is stored safely and can only be accessed by authorised individuals. Built-in features may include: 

  • Identity and access management (IAM) 
  • Encryption of sensitive information, and  
  • Other services that enable you to meet the highest of compliance standards. 

Smart managers are using migration to the cloud as an opportunity to overhaul their data storage guidelines, complete an appropriate data-mapping exercise for the entire company, and make sure that all necessary systems are in place to meet governance requirements, both now and as regulations evolve in the future. 

This sounds complicated, but by using the right partner for your cloud hosting needs, it is possible to take advantage of expert data management services and processes that already exist. With a strategic and well-managed partnership, there is no need for most companies to start from scratch or do all the work internally. 

Combining the expertise of an experienced cloud hosting provider with a range of security features will mean that your business can feel much more confident about compliance, no matter what new regulations emerge. 

Read our Cloud Hosted Software Guide: 6 Steps to a Successful Migration for best practice on moving to the cloud. 

Efficiency of workflow & increased collaboration 

Another area where cloud-based applications and platforms are allowing businesses to gain a competitive edge is in day-to-day efficiency. Cloud-based solutions are about a lot more than storing customer data in a secure and systemised way. Moving business operations to the cloud has a big impact on workflow, flexibility, communication and collaboration throughout the organisation. 

The right public or private cloud hosting solution allows for flexibility and scalability within your organisation. Sudden growth, or a sudden change to the way that you need to store and access data, can be accommodated with the addition of new resources. 

Cloud hosting can centralise data so that it can be accessed by a range of key personnel regardless of location, without worrying about security breaches. It can allow project and program management teams to update information in real time, remotely, from the field or from a conference on the other side of the globe. 

Cloud computing services offers your business the competitive advantages of easy, multi-way communication and collaboration, in a highly cost-effective package. 

Well-managed cloud hosting can allow even small enterprises to access many of the same advantages as their much larger competitors. Partnering with the right hosting company can, indeed, give small and medium-sized businesses the exact same features and advantages of much bigger organisations using similar cloud-based operations. 

Enabling future growth 

There is also the added advantage of enabling exponential growth. Businesses that migrate all or most of their business operations to the cloud do not tend to outgrow their infrastructure in the same way as many other organisations. 

If you are looking for a cloud hosting partner to help you take the edge over your competitors, Access delivers enterprise-grade cloud hosting services built on best-of-breed hardware. We have data centres on four continents and offer both public cloud hosting and private cloud hosting, as well as a range of other services and features. 

Manage your data with confidence, be reassured that you are following best practices, and keep up to date with data protection regulations. 

You can also download our whitepaper, 'How to make a successful move to the cloud' for more insight and advice, as well as this handy Cloud Business Case Template.