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Starting a new job can be a massively daunting task. There’s a pressing urge to impress, and a need to prove competency. But the environment is foreign, and everybody is new! And spare a thought for the people who started a new role in the midst of a pandemic – many will not have physically met their co-workers for months, if ever.

Regardless of whether they’re working remotely or in an office, giving new employees the best possible start at your company is crucial to building trust, making them feel part of your team, and setting them up for long-term success.

Having a strong onboarding process is a given. But what else can we do to ensure our new employees get off to a flying start? We spoke to some seasoned HR professionals to get their top tips.

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We are living through the creation of a new era in the modern workplace. For many of us, the global pandemic has affected what we do, how we do it, and where and when we do it. 

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In our everyday lives, we’re surrounded by technology – from smartphones and tablets, to laptops and touchscreens. But just how tech-savvy are your staff?

Although most of us make frequent use of technology tools, we’re probably all guilty to some extent of underutilising what’s available to us. If your employees aren’t using their work tools to their fullest extent, it could mean missed opportunities for your business, potentially reduced productivity or efficiency, and at worst, errors.

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Are your staff and leadership team on the same page when considering what’s next for home working? As a HR professional, chances are you’re aware of a variety of differing viewpoints within your business. So how can you balance the requirements of the business with employees’ personal preferences?

Different companies are approaching this question differently. Some are happy for their staff to work from home. For instance, Microsoft, Facebook and Twitter are now giving their staff the option to work from home permanently. Others, particularly within the finance sector, believe that the long-term role of remote work is overstated and that the office should still be seen as an important hub. Goldman Sachs CEO David Solomon recently described remote working as “an aberration that we are going to correct as quickly as possible.”

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Reactively seeking to close skills gaps in your organisation is no longer enough. It’s time to prioritise talent management through strategic skills training and internal mobility programmes that support employee career progression. Those that don’t risk being left behind while more future-focused organisations make upskilling and re-skilling programmes a top priority.

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It’s fair to say that the HR landscape has radically changed since the COVID-19 outbreak. One of the biggest shifts has been the transition of millions of Australian workers to remote working.

There’s much debate over whether remote working is a positive shift that should be continued after lockdown orders are lifted, and many questions have been raised.

What might be lost or gained by taking people out of the office permanently? Should business go back to how it operated before the pandemic? Or should home working en masse continue? Is there a workable hybrid solution or is this an impossible dream?

There’s a lot to consider, but one thing is for certain. Many employees who’ve had a taste of remote working will want it to continue, and this must be taken into account for your recruitment and retention strategies.

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Is it easy for you to conduct workforce analytics or produce informative HR reports for your senior management? For too long, many HR professionals have found it difficult access accurate data about their workforce. But that no longer needs to be the case. Modern, cloud-based HR solutions are not only easy and cost-effective to set up – they open up a whole new world of data management and insight.

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Damian Oldham

HCM Divisional Director

The current climate has been a catalyst for many organisations having to quickly react to facilitate a remote workforce. And whilst countless workers are already well versed in occasionally working from home, the recent government response to the COVID-19 outbreak has meant thousands of employees will now need to work remotely for the foreseeable future.

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Damian Oldham

HCM Divisional Director

When the lockdown was first imposed, those of us not used to homeworking full-time wondered how we’d ever adjust to such an unusual set of circumstances.

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Tim Needham

HR Industry Expert

Remote working is not a new idea. As the sophistication of technology and digital communication tools has continued to increase in recent years, so too has the adoption of this flexible working style across the globe.

Though in light of the unprecedented times we now find ourselves in, even businesses who are already au fait with facilitating remote working from time-to-time are facing significant challenges as the wider workforce is compelled to settle into this practice for the longer term.


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