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Jo Sutton

Today's rapidly evolving business landscape requires businesses to optimise operations to drive performance. Payroll and Human Resources (HR) are often overlooked aspects of business success. This article focuses on payroll data for HR and how it fuels business growth and success, transforming transactional processes into strategic initiatives.

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Jo Sutton

The rise of remote work has significantly changed how we approach work-life balance. Establishing boundaries and prioritising self-care has become increasingly important due to prioritising professional and personal spaces. This trend has gained momentum in Australia, and employers and employees recognise the importance of fostering a healthy work-life balance. 

Remote or hybrid working offers many benefits, such as increased flexibility and reduced commute times. However, it also presents challenges in maintaining a clear separation between work and personal life. Without the physical boundaries of an office, working longer hours or responding to emails and messages outside of work hours can be tempting. Burnout decreases productivity and strains relationships, which can result from constant accessibility.

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Jo Sutton

In today's workplace, the focus on employee well-being has intensified. Companies increasingly recognise that their employees' health and happiness are not just moral obligations but are also crucial to business success. As the emphasis on this aspect grows, so does the role of workforce management software in supporting employee well-being initiatives. The technology is no longer just about scheduling and payroll; it has evolved into a vital tool for promoting health and wellness in the workplace.

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Business leaders often warn that Australia and New Zealand are facing a skills crisis, which has far reaching consequences for company productivity and the wider economy. RMIT Online claims Australia needs 156,000 new technology workers by 2025 to avoid missing out on $10 billion worth of growth in the technology, media and communications industries alone.

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The working landscape has changed irrevocably post-pandemic, but the last few years have brought about ongoing disruption in other ways too, whether it’s conflict, economic challenges or the environmental crisis. To adapt to emerging challenges, organisations have learnt to be ready for anything, and become truly agile. 

With disruption, comes impact. While Australia may not be experiencing the Great Resignation in the same way the UK and US are, the labour market is the tightest we’ve seen since 2008 and with that comes a subsequent skills shortage and new hire challenges which brings about economic impacts for businesses. However, taking time to look at why people quit can reveal opportunities to combat resignation rates and improve employee engagement and retention. 

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Jo Sutton

Recently, a bill passed in Australia bans pay secrecy clauses, which allows employees to disclose their remuneration details. In other words, employees have the right to discuss their pay openly.

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Jo Sutton

Under the National Employment Standards in Australia, employees are entitled to personal leave as a leave of absence, regardless of their employment contract. Employees are also entitled to Annual Leave  - the two types of leave are for different reasons that are not always clear. 

There are several types of employee leave and rules and legislation governing each kind of leave. Managing employee leave can be challenging.

Read more on leave types, reasons for taking leave, applying for leave and some answers to common questions. 

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The employee experience, or EX, is how your employees think about your business. It begins the moment they connect with your company, perhaps via a job ad or recruiter, and carries through until their very last day working for you.  

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In March 2020, when the coronavirus outbreak was declared a global pandemic, workers worldwide were suddenly expected to work remotely. Seemingly overnight, dining tables, kitchen benches, and spare rooms became pop-up offices. Ready or not, businesses had to accommodate their employees working from home or risk losing their business.

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Not so long ago, most people worked 9-5, from Monday to Friday, commuting daily to their shared office space with a bunch of other people doing similar jobs. These days, we live in a 24/7 world, with access to the internet from most places on the planet. The digital age has given rise to the flexible workforce – people who work outside and around standard business hours in ways suitable and beneficial to both the employee and the business. 

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