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Denisa Barba

Record population growth and rising costs haven't stopped Australians from seeking memorable dining experiences in pubs and bars, which is good news for your venue – but are you equipped to handle the demand? 

While guests expect seamless experiences, the constant stream of enquiries can leave your team overwhelmed - missed bookings, stressed staff, and a tarnished reputation become the frustrating reality. 

An effective enquiry management process is a vital component of any successful hospitality venue. With the enquiry management procedures in place and the right enquiry management system, you can streamline the entire function booking process, capturing those lost opportunities and boosting your bottom line. 

At Access Hospitality, we see and hear these challenges often, and we know firsthand that juggling emails, notes, and multiple staff members isn't sustainable if you want to enhance your organisation's processes. So, in this article, we'll outline practical tips to streamline your enquiry management, ensuring you never miss an opportunity and create exceptional guest experiences. 

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For decades restaurateurs have relied on a paper diary to help manage restaurant reservations. An A4 book has sat next to the phone on the front desk, ready for staff to note down bookings and customer details when they call.

This tradition continues in some establishments and it’s easy to see why it’s a hard habit to break: Recording and referencing bookings on paper is quick and easy for everyone responsible for managing them, it provides a personal touch for customers and buying a paper diary is inexpensive in comparison to a more elaborate reservations system.

Nevertheless, holding onto this tradition and overlooking an online reservations system could be a false economy and prevent restaurants from maximising opportunities to boost business.

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