FuseSign - Digital signing, done simple
FuseSign is an intuitive and easy to use Digital Signature tool that simply integrates with APS Practice Management.
- Category: eSignature
- Regions: AU & NZ
- Product Integrations: APS Software
FuseSign Overview
With FuseSign integrated into APS Practice Management, you can send multiple documents, to multiple recipients, with different permissions (view, sign or no access), all in one bundle. This allows for an accountant to include all documents to do with a family group in one bundle, to give everyone on the list just one email and one place to go to action what they need to do, and streamline the entire process. From an administration perspective, as well as the excellent client experience this will save you and your clients time, so you can focus on work that matters.
FuseSign Key features
Connect to FuseSign and use the easy to use digital signature tool
For all your accounting practice needs
Run your entire practice with best-in-class powerful tax, compliance and practice management software to help optimise compliance workflows and advance every aspect of your accounting practice. Our solutions offer powerful, automated workflows, out of the box dashboards and easily customised reporting, enhancing productivity and providing you with instant access to data-driven insights.