Works the way you want it to work
Access Workspace is a transformative way to achieve a connected and engaged organisation.
It is the single sign-on platform for all Access business software solutions, so you can connect Payroll, Finance, HR and Digital Learning, all in one central location. Every employee has access to the data and functionality they need, when they need it – expense claims, purchasing requests, booking leave, all in one central location.
Collaboration tools and intuitive apps give your power users true visibility, in real-time, while others have quick and easy access to less complex but still important information. That’s how we offer you one simple promise: the freedom to do more.
Powerful apps. Total visibility. Get more done.
Business Management Software
Solutions available on Access Workspace
Case Study
General Manager - Ribtex International Pty Ltd
"We save at least two or three days every month thanks to the simplified process and capability of the Access Analytics tool. It’s easier for our new people to pick up and use, and we can get the right information in our hands more readily. We’ve also seen fewer questions come back to our customer service team and it’s given our sales reps better visibility of trends around products and more information about each customer so they’re able to see if orders have dropped off or picked up."