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Advice and articles to help you focus on the success of your people, your customers, and your organisation.

Claire Wardle

Writer of Health and Social Care

The new Procurement Act 2024 is catching a lot of attention as we approach its October 2024 release date. Like with any new procurement bill or act there is always discussion and initial debates over the timeline of its release, what the changes are, and what the impacts of these changes will be.

The Public Procurement Act 2024 will be no different. But what are changes and what do they really mean? And most importantly, when do local authorities need to act upon it?

At The Access Group, we think it is vital that all local authorities not only know and understand the new procurement bill, but they know how it will impact their community and how best to prepare for the procurement changes.  

We are a direct partner with the Cabinet Office to support them on this new Procurement Act and have been helping them understand how it should be shaped to get local authorities ready in time whilst allowing them to remain compliant.

By the end of this article, you should know all there is to know about the new procurement bill and the impact it will have on your local authority, as well as the best ways to prepare for changes in legislation.

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Claire Wardle

Writer of Health and Social Care

Are you unsure what the difference between population health and population health management is? Or do you know the difference but you are not sure how to implement it to have effective population health management? Or, are you just curious to see what software solutions are available? 

By the end of this article, all these questions should be answered for you.  

At The Access Group, we are aware of how health and care needs are changing. People are living longer with poorer health and some of our behaviours are increasing the risks of preventable diseases like type 2 diabetes.  

We know that health is more than just medical; it can be affected by social, economic, environmental, and political factors out of our control too.  

We work hard therefore to provide an eco-system of joined-up digital solutions to help you deliver and support better person-centred care to ensure better population health management outcomes.  

In this article, we will compare the differences between population health, and population health management, whilst explaining why it is important locally, regionally, and nationally too. This article will then explain how different digital tools can help deliver effective population health management depending on your local community’s needs and goals.  

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Claire Wardle

Writer of Health and Social Care

GP social prescribing has risen dramatically since social prescribing was embedded in the NHS Long Term Plan.  

Currently, 1 in 5 people visit their GP for non-clinical issues. This is because seeing a GP when trying to seek help is a familiar route for most individuals suffering from non-clinical issues. GPs can easily signpost individuals on where best to get help so the reliance on them is getting greater and greater. This can be very time-consuming for GPs, so social prescribing is now becoming more and more utilised and embedded within GP surgeries.  

But how exactly are primary care networks using social prescribing and what does it mean for patients? 

By the end of this article, all these questions surrounding social prescribing in primary care networks (PCNs) should become clear.  

At Access Elemental Social Prescribing our passion is to spread the word on what social prescribing can do and the impacts it can have on individuals, communities, and society as a whole.  

In this article, we will review what social prescribing across primary care is, including GP social prescribing, the role of a Social Prescribing Link Worker within a GP practice, the benefits of embedding Link Workers within Primary Care as well as how social prescribing services and GP practices can seamlessly work together to manage social prescribing referrals more efficiently,  get better outcomes, and improve quality of life.  

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It’s no secret that for an organisation to succeed and thrive, it needs to have a solid HR function. As the department needs to juggle many different areas and systems, to achieve true HR operational efficiency, they must utilise unified HR solutions.   

To illustrate HR software efficiency, we'll explore how unified HR solutions will streamline key HR processes and provide real-world use cases to showcase these benefits.

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Patrick Herald

Legal compliance expert

Imagine a legal sector where every client feels represented and every employee feels valued. Diversity and inclusion, along with equality and equity, are increasingly common terms we encounter in professional life. The legal sector is no exception, with many articles on the subject appearing in publications such as The Law Society Gazette and Legal Futures. This article examines why law firms should prioritise diversity and inclusion in the workplace and how inclusive practice promotes equality, helping firms reap substantial rewards.

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Alisha Sanders

Effortless charity retail volunteering with Access Assemble

Unlock the full potential of your charity retail shop with Access Assemble! This video highlights how Access Assemble revolutionises volunteer management, speeding up recruitment, simplifying volunteer tasks, and empowering Shop Managers with a clear view of their staff. Discover the benefits for your charity retail shop today.

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Liam Sheasby

Healthcare writer

Wound care is healthcare that specifically handles patients with open wounds and the management of this , so that they can make a complete recovery as quick as possible; without complications or further problems.

Given the nature of the human condition and health and wellbeing, wounds are a common type of complaint that patients report to a doctor or other clinicians seeking advice or treatment. As such, there are national strategies and guidelines for how NHS trusts (England) and health boards (Scotland/Wales) should operate to handle these kinds of ailments to ensure proper resolution and no unnecessary burden to the NHS.

In this article we’ll take a look at the basics of wound care as a knowledge primer, before moving on to the national strategies and guidelines. We’ll then pivot to the positive impact technology can have, focusing on software specifically and exploring our own partnership with WoundMatrix to showcase how the right solutions are benefiting patient care and outcomes.

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Claire Wardle

Writer on Social Prescribing

Integrated Neighbourhood Teams (INTs) are a collaborative approach to delivering health and social care services within a specific community, which said communities can then easily adapt to and get behind. Often designed to provide more coordinated, efficient, holistic, and person-centred care to individuals, INTs enable communities to get stronger front-door services with a multi-disciplinary team that caters to every individual need.  

At Access Elemental Social Prescribing, we value the importance of integrated neighbourhood teams to help reduce dependency on primary and social care and enable individuals to be more proactive in managing their health and wellbeing. We understand how the wider social determinants of health can impact someone’s health and wellbeing and make it our passion to help communities work together to offer better holistic care with different stakeholders’ expertise to cater to every need.  

By the end of this article, you will know everything there is to know and understand about integrated neighbourhood teams and the best ways to implement and use them across your community to improve outcomes, reduce GPs' workloads, and most importantly improve the quality of life by lowering avoidable health inequalities and offering more accessible help and support where needed.  

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Gosia Dudzik-Giannone

Contract catering is a term that those working in the sector will be familiar with, but for many outside it – even those in hospitality – there is a lack of clarity about what ‘contract catering’ actually means and the kind of services it provides. 

Here at Access, we’ve got years of experience in helping businesses of all sizes and we've worked with more than 20,000 businesses across the UK supporting them with their procurement processes.  

In this article, we're going to take a look at what precisely contract catering is, its challenges and how can a purchase-to-pay software help.  

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Claire Wardle

Writer of Health and Social Care

20% of patients consult their GP for primarily social issues putting more pressure onto the NHS. Social prescribing is a scheme to help alleviate that pressure.  

There is evidence that when a social prescribing scheme is run correctly it can both alleviate pressure on the NHS and improve patients’ wellbeing. Here at Access Elemental Social Prescribing, it’s our passion to help social prescribing services achieve great outcomes from the hard work they put in. We know social prescribing works and we love to help other social prescribing projects prove that whilst putting your clients at the heart of everything we do to help improve their wellbeing.

Here is a review of the evidence that has been collected so far, and tips on how to avoid mistakes others have made.  

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