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Case study: A&G Services Evolve From Legacy ERP To Access Coins 

Discover how Access Coins helped A&G Services evolve from a dated legacy ERP and transform their processes, helping to grow their business.

Business size



HVAC & Plumbing


Access Coins


A&G’s legacy ERP system could not keep up with growing demands of the business. Requiring numerous 3rd party additional products, A&G were left with a creaking tech stack that created huge visibility issues.


A&G’s stakeholders compiled a must-have and hope-to list of features, searching for the perfect-fit solution. After landing on Access Coins as the only match, they underwent a year-long implementation process.


Since implementation, A&G have transformed their business with huge improvements in visibility, efficiencies and are now able to take on more jobs than ever before.  

A&G Services is one of Texas’s premier HVAC and Mechanical companies operating out of Fort Worth. Established in 1984, A&G has evolved to service specialist niches such as biopharma and ASME and are a leading contractor for HVAC, plumbing and specialized construction. 

For over two decades, the legacy ERP software that they were using struggled to keep pace with their expanding operations. When their provider announced they would cease maintenance of the legacy version of the system, A&G’s stakeholders knew it was time to make a change. 

Moving Away From A Legacy ERP Solution

Legacy ERP refers to the first round of ERP solutions that were introduced in the late 90’s and early 2000’s. Whilst these systems were groundbreaking for their time, most have now become defunct or been far surpassed by modern ERPs systems. 

A&G Services were one of the many companies that came to realize their legacy system was no longer pulling its weight, and in some instances, creating more problems than it was solving.  

As a server-based system, their legacy ERP was not able to communicate with the rest of their tech stack, creating huge gaps in visibility. Some processes such as estimating and budgeting were being done offline, creating a  burden on A&G’s workforce.

Choosing Access Coins As Their ERP Solution  

Recognizing the urgent need to modernize their technology, A&G Services initiated a meticulous selection process. The team, comprising key stakeholders from the finance, project management, and service divisions, identified several must-have features including:

  • Integrated accounting
  • Robust budgeting tools
  • Equipment tracking capabilities
  • Real-time project management functionalities

Supported by their checklist, they then began comprehensive market research to find the best-fit solution for their needs. After an extensive evaluation, Access Coins emerged as the clear choice, with Gretchen Riddle, Controller at A&G commenting that it was the only solution to tick every box except for one.

Once we had that list of must-have’s and hope-to’s, Access Coins was the only one that checked off all the boxes…

Gretchen Riddle, Controller, A&G Services

A & G services case study

Implementing Access Coins 

A&G Services had prepared themselves for the time needed for a complete implementation in a company of their size.  

Allowing themselves 12 months for the whole process, A&G and Access Coins partnered together to begin the implementation process. 

Gretchen Riddle highlighted that in hindsight one of the biggest changes she would have made is arranging a dedicated internal team to oversee and manage the implementation. Instead, Gretchen was juggling running the day-to-day business and her existing responsibilities with bug-testing and management.  

Speaking on the support offered by Access Coins in this time, Gretchen remarked how the consultants at Access Coins were a great team to work with.  

Each of stakeholders in her management team were kept in the loop at every stage, so A&G always knew what was coming next.. 

It was so perfectly organized by the Coins team, I appreciated that as an organized person. I really appreciated that expectations were set, and I knew what was happening and when… communication was excellent… it was a great experience all things considered

Gretchen Riddle, Controller, A&G Services  

Since implementation, A&G have achieved with Access Coins


Reduction in time spent on payroll


Increase in technology ROI


worth of agreements in the first year

The Key Benefits of Access Coins for A&G Services


For A&G Services, one of the biggest roadblocks created by their legacy system was the lack of visibility between each of their products and departments.

After implementation, Access Coins has ensured that every process can be managed and monitored through one compete platform.

Now, project managers can maintain oversight on costs and the progress of each of their jobs in real-time. With Access Coins, this information is readily available for PM’s no matter where they are, be it at home, on-site, or in the office.

Our PM’s can see their costs and job progress in real-time. Now they can get information out of the system that they had to go through somebody else in admin for before Access Coins

Gretchen Riddle, Controller, A&G Services


Adaptability of the System 

For companies like A&G that are seeing rapid growth, it is essential that their systems allow for them to pivot and adapt as their teams grow and processes change.  

With Access Coins, A&G Services are now able to work with their Coins consultants to discuss and accommodate changes within the ERP, receiving tips and training on how best to use the system when the landscape of their business changes.  

As a simple-to-use ERP solution, Access Coins has ensured that A&G can bring in new staff easily and onboard them into a standardised way of working.

When you get used to the system, it just makes sense

Gretchen Riddle, Controller, A&G Services  


Cost Control  

For construction businesses, maintaining cost control is crucial to ensure profitability amid the sector's inherent challenges. Lack of visibility can lead to unforeseen issues, therefore a solution that provides real-time updates on every stage of a project’s lifecycle is key. 

Since implementation, A&G Services can now be assured that they are always in control of costs on their projects. Additionally, Access Coins has provided multiple layers of protection so that approval is needed before unexpected costs hit a job.

Everything is so much more visible, we see things in real-time and there’s so many layers of approval that controlling costs in this way is far more effective

Gretchen Riddle, Controller, A&G Services  


The financial modules provided by Access Coins have had a huge impact on A&G Services and the way they handle purchase order and payroll processes.  

Since implementing Coins, the Accounts Payable clerks now have ample time to review purchase orders generated by superintendents in the field.  

Now, when they come to complete their accounts payable invoices, they can be easily matched against the purchase orders all in one system, ensuring they are allocated to the right part of a job and that errors are spotted immediately. 

With support from the Access Coins consultants, A&G have been able to brainstorm ideas on how to improve efficiencies even further, with the Coins teams showing them how best to number their POs and jobs for easier referencing. 

Explore Access Coins Financial management software >

A & G services commercial plumbing


Backed up by comprehensive reporting, Gretchen’s role as a Controller has been transformed, allowing her the time to focus on the important stuff, whilst Access handles the details.

The reporting system in Coins is AMAZING. Because there’s just so many options, if there’s something you find isn’t in there, you probably don’t need it…

Gretchen Riddle, Controller, A&G Services

For over 25 years, A&G’s processes for payroll meant that it wasn’t possible for the Controller to be away on most Mondays, because payroll could not be remotely processed or monitored. 

Now, Access Coins enables Gretchen and her team to finalize payroll in less than half the time it used to take. There is no longer a need for huge data entry, or time to fix errors or mismatch information. 

In fact, now with 150 employees, A&G Services have managed to standardise their payroll process enough to have it all done by midday. This not only gets people paid faster, but allows PM’s to quickly ascertain their costs for any given week. 

How Access Coins Has Transformed Project Management

Since adopting Access Coins, A&G’s project manager’s are now able to self-service in a way that was not possible before.

From managing their own budgets to kickstarting their own jobs, previous roadblocks have been removed and teams are now empowered to carry out their work independently.

With powerful tools to help PM’s manage their own jobs and maintain oversight of their costs, personnel and equipment, they can deliver more work to a higher standard.

As an always-on connected system, Access Coins has also promoted more collaboration between project managers, who now share their best practice learnings with one another.

It really does find all the needs that a PM has and is already prepared for the challenges that they will face…

Gretchen Riddle, Controller, A&G Services

Explore Access Coins Project Management software >

Transformation In Numbers, The Results Of Implementation

A&G Services have been running their business on Access Coins ERP for just over a year. In this time, the HVAC and Mechanical contractor has made huge strides in unlocking hidden efficiencies, accelerating growth and transforming their processes.

Here are just some of the biggest key wins A&G Services have seen in just 12 months:

  • Service Agreements: In the first 12 months, A&G have managed to accumulate over $850,000 worth of agreements, thanks to improved processes and management
  • Processing Payroll: Since implementation, time spent on processing payroll has more than halved
  • Days To Bill (DTB): With a goal of 14 days from last dispatch to invoice, A&G have reduced their Days to Bill from 25-30 days to a staggering 10.5 days
  • Turnover: In the last two years, A&G Services have seen huge growth, increasing turnover by over 16% since implementing Access Coins

A&G’s Growth & Looking To The Future

In just two years A&G Services have seen huge growth, coinciding with their implementation of Access Coins.  

Now, their teams are able to take on more work than ever before, thanks in no small part to their transformed processes and the increased efficiencies of their systems and processes.  

With a project turnover of $40 million in 2024, A&G are clearly on course for even more success with a huge increase in revenue without the need to add extra staff. 

Looking forward, A&G Services look to continue to expand their teams, adding more field workers to support their newfound growth.

I think it's no question that whatever, whatever division or whatever path we take, whatever that growth looks like, I think Coins is ready to do it with us, yeah.

Gretchen Riddle, Controller, A&G Services

Access Coins - The Construction ERP 

Built for the construction sector by construction experts, Access Coins is a powerful ERP platform that connects every part of your business. From financials to project management, the powerful modules included in Coins make it easier for construction businesses to manage their projects, increase visibility and regain control over their costs.  

If you’d like to find out more about how Access Coins could transform your business, book a free demo with one of our team today!