Applicant Tracking System (ATS) Singapore
Hiring talented individuals is one of the key needs of any organisation in Singapore, and to attract the perfect talent, having the appropriate solution is vital. The applicant tracking system aids in discovering, engaging, and bringing on board individuals who contribute to your organization's growth. Simplify your recruitment procedures, encompassing job posting, resume assessment, interview management, candidate selection, and even employee onboarding, all within a single, integrated tool.

Streamline Recruitment
Recruitment and onboarding should be straightforward and efficient. That's precisely why our applicant tracking system is designed to simplify your hiring procedures, creating clear standards across your across your company and continually seeking the most suitable and highly qualified candidates to fit your organisational culture.
With complete flexibility, you can easily generate, duplicate, and post job openings, collecting applicant information directly from your website. You can also utilise questionnaires to aid in the screening process. The system is remarkably user-friendly and interactive, allowing you to effortlessly move candidates through each step, making it a breeze to assess, compare, and prioritise your candidates.

Flexible Interviews
Thanks to the impact of the pandemic, the days of exclusively relying on in-person interviews are a thing of the past. As the workforce increasingly adopts digital formats, arranging face-to-face interviews can be challenging, particularly when dealing with remote or geographically distant locations in a country like Singapore. Access provides a solution that simplifies the process by allowing you to conduct initial interviews using video capabilities, granting you the flexibility to connect with your candidates face-to-face online.
Utilising the Applicant Tracking System, you can empower your organisation to uncover valuable insights about applicants through audio and video questionnaires during the application phase. This enables you to evaluate candidates' body language, confidence, and skills effectively.

Access Everywhere
Recruiting can be a lengthy and demanding process, especially for HR professionals who juggle various responsibilities beyond hiring. The Applicant Tracking System is designed to work seamlessly on both desktop and mobile platforms, ensuring that your organisation can efficiently manage applicants from any location and at any time.
In today's rapidly evolving job market, where candidates are consistently seeking new career opportunities, many job seekers prefer using their mobile devices to apply for positions. The ATS offers a mobile-friendly application page that enables you to outpace competitors in attracting top talent.

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Applicant Tracking Software FAQs
What is applicant tracking software?
Applicant Tracking Software, commonly known as ATS, is a valuable tool utilised by recruiters and employers to simplify and oversee the recruitment process by monitoring candidates throughout every stage of hiring. This is particularly crucial in a country like Singapore, characterised by numerous job portals, SME's and a substantial estimated population of 5.7 million people.
How does applicant tracking software work?
Applicant tracking software simplifies the hiring journey, starting from crafting job advertisements and extending all the way to candidate selection. Effective applicant tracking software establishes consistent recruitment criteria across the entire organization. ATS enables the monitoring of candidate interactions and progress until the moment they are officially hired. Additionally, it aids in forming a talent reservoir for individuals who were not selected initially but could be potential hires in the future.