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Technology Enabled Care :

Personal Safety Ensure that your staff are protected

Our personal safety devices are discrete, easy to use, configurable and flexible. They give your lone workers the confidence to carry out their duties without fearing for their safety.

Lone Worker Protection Oysta (1)

Health and Safety benefits

elearning for care management software

Reduce the number of hours and days lost through workplace accidents and absenteeism, resulting in an increase in capacity and reduction in cost.

care management software

Address and lessen the risks to reduce the number of RIDDOR reportable incidents, reducing paperwork, making your organisation more attractive to employees.

care home - care compliance software

Show your commitment and promise to health and safety standards, gaining the respect of your workforce.

Personal Safety Features

Our personal safety technology offers a range of features including: 

  • One touch SOS button 
  • Two-way voice 
  • Man down sensor 
  • Amber alert timers 
  • GPS and safe zones 

All our devices meet BS 8484, the British Standards for lone worker safety and security. 

Personal Safety Solution

Our personal safety solution ensures workspace safety through live support, real-time reporting, and proactive risk reduction.

Employers have a duty of care to safeguard their employees during working hours. When employees know their safety is prioritised, their morale and productivity will rise.

Our personal alert safety system comprises of an array of mobile devices which can be carried in various ways:

  • In a pocket
  • On a keyring
  • On a lanyard
  • On the wrist

Personal Safety Alarm

Our devices feature one touch personal safety alarms which allow workers to discreetly issue an SOS signal at the press of a button.

Personal safety alarms ensure your staff feel more safe and secure at work.

The use of workplace safety alarms has been proven to:

  • Reduce absenteeism
  • Boost staff retention
  • Attract new recruits

Personal Safety App

Our MyOysta app turns any Android or iOS mobile device into an effective personal safety device. Employees’ personal safety apps have several advantages over personal safety devices:

  • Workers do not need to carry additional devices.
  • Apps are more cost-effective than devices.
  • System updates are quick and easy.

Our MyOysta app delivers the same safety solutions as our physical devices. The only difference is the form factor.

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See our personal safety solution that combines a proactive, preventative approach with reactive alarm safety net.