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Healthcare Software :
HSC Health

Order communications software

Our software for Order Communications enables local pathology and radiology services to communicate digitally, replace historical paper-based communications, and provide a fast-track method to safely and efficiently manage pathology and radiology requests and results.  

The Order Communications module integrates seamlessly with other EPR systems, which helps dramatically increase productivity, reduce delays, eliminate errors, and can save your Trust up to £1.5m over five years.

Why use order communications software?

Implementing the Order Communications module dramatically improves safety and efficiency. Around 95% of clinical pathways rely on giving patients access to efficient, timely, cost-effective pathology services.

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Save costs and increase efficiencies

The Order Communications and Results Reporting modules eliminate most manual processes, such as deciphering handwritten notes, improving overall data quality and reducing the costs associated with processing paper requests.

Access CRM
Enhance patient care and safety

With instant access to up-to-date results, the Order Communications module improves patient care and safety levels by giving clinicians the confidence that an order has gone to the right place.

patient management system
Achieve your paper-lite ambitions

The Order Communications module helps you hit your paperless targets, which can make significant savings for your organisation and meet the challenges of an ageing population and an increased demand for health services.

Access Members
Improve patient outcomes

Order Communications software is aligned with the Carter Review, highlighting the efficiencies, specifically around more effective use of pathology services to improve patient outcomes.

Patient Flow Software
Improve efficiencies for Trusts

Reduces the cost impact of re-testing, improves turnaround times by enhancing workflow between care settings and labs, and improves patient care through increased speed of requests and results.

Access Forcharities CRM
Better clinical outcomes

Reduces transcription errors and the need to re-test, improves identification and management of samples, provides multi-disciplinary teams with timely information and specialist advice, and enables better treatment planning.

care management software examples
Improved patient experience

Gives people more control of their health with better access to test results and improves patient convenience and safety.

Save up to £1.5m over five years with Access order communications software

Order communications software is the boost your organisation needs to fast-track the inner workings of healthcare pathways and inter-departmental cooperation.

Digital communication is the future of healthcare, alongside digital records. Electronic mailing and messaging is faster and more secure than paper-based communication, meaning that the care process can be sped up and patients are moved onto a treatment pathway with minimal delay.

Our order communications software module integrates with EPR systems, meaning greater productivity, less duplication of work, fewer errors, and fewer delays. One record for one person, and all details are viewed in that one place. Efficient, easy, and reliable.

Features of order communications software

With seamless, electronic order communications and results reporting, clinicians can request tests and procedures, track test progress and access results instantly, all within one easy-to-use system.

  • One electronic patient record per person.
  • Digital forms and only one request per test, per patient.
  • Authorisation procedures and signoffs.
  • Pathology and radiology tests, results and abnormalities are viewed in one place.
  • Test tube labelling and order matching.
  • Results reporting and instant pop-up notifications.
  • Trigger reports.
  • Email and SMS notification options.
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