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Electronic Prescribing and medicines administration (EPMA)

Our ePMA software is for electronic prescribing and medicine administration. The module enables trusts to manage prescriptions and medications digitally and ensure that patients receive the correct medication at the right time. It gives clear information on missed doses, and issues can be escalated automatically.

ePMA supports all prescribers, including doctors, nurses, and independent practitioners: Electronic prescribing is an essential part of safe healthcare delivery, which otherwise can result in wasted medicines, multimillion-pound litigation claims and, at the very worst, patient deaths. 

Features of ePMA

  • Clinicians can access decision support, for example, the First Databank Multilex lookup and the default dosages of specific drugs.
  • Nurses benefit from clear medication administration records and prescription updates immediately available. 
  • Simplifies the production of prescriptions and supports the timely supply of medicines to wards, with a holistic view of a patient.
  • Independent prescribers are allocated access and permissions according to their skill level.
  • ePMA automatically checks for details of allergies, contradictions, and diagnoses and warns the prescriber. in every instance.
  • Configure formularies to help prescribers select appropriate medication.
  • Pharmacies can verify prescriptions electronically.
  • Discharge details can be produced quickly and easily.
  • Includes a business continuity module supporting clinical practitioners with medicine administration tasks should the primary EPR system become available. 

Optimise your healthcare with Access EPMA software

Electronic prescribing and medicines administration (EPMA) is a must-have in modern healthcare, allowing care providers to increase safety and efficiency through better data quality and better communication.

Our ePMA solution manages prescriptions and medications in one centralised record, with a detailed history that even includes discontinued or suspended medicines. Track administration types, times, missed doses, and flag up potential clashes between medications.

Our goal is to provide a holistic view of a patient’s treatment history to ensure the best possible care decisions going forward and to avoid wasted medicine and to protect patients from the harm that can come from human error in a healthcare sector that is busier than ever.

Benefits of ePMA software

Increase safety and efficiency
  • The ePMA system is regularly updated to ensure the most up-to-date licensed medication and appliances are available for prescription. This makes it easy to include prescription details in discharge letters, so GPs and other healthcare providers can make informed decisions about the patient’s future care.
  • The ePMA module helps improve prescriptions' efficiency and safety by ensuring the correct information is always available, preventing duplication or misinterpretation.
Hold better quality data
  • By adopting ePMA software, healthcare professionals have real-time, up-to-date information about their patients, including their prescribed medications, no matter where they are in their journey, as well as crucial information about their drug administration schedule.
  • Our ePMA solution works in collaboration with our electronic patient record system (EPR). Patients have one overarching record on the platform, ensuring that their prescription details and any other information stays with them as they move across services.
Improve communications and workflow
  • Our electronic prescribing system allows healthcare professionals to access information wherever they are on the ward, in the community, and during periods of planned or unplanned system downtime.
  • The business continuity module allows nursing staff to continue to provide care even if there are local power or network outages.
Strengthen processes and practice
  • Patients have just one overarching record, so their prescription and administration record stay with them as they move across the healthcare organisation.
  • You can ensure that the correct patient information is always available, preventing users from duplicating or misinterpreting it.
  • Prescribers select the medicinal product and denote the dose and frequency. These details are available for a pharmacist to follow or suggest amendments (which are returned to the prescriber for approval).
  • If a patient is admitted to a hospital or needs treatment in a community setting, the right medication can easily be available in the required timeframe.
Improve patient safety and care
  • ePMA uses the Multilex Drug Datafile from First Databank. It is updated at least every month to ensure the most up-to-date licensed medications and appliances are available for prescription.
  • Even if a patient’s prescribed medicines are suspended or discontinued, the details stay visible on their ePMA record to give a holistic view of their treatment so far.
  • The system also makes it very easy to include prescription details in discharge letters so that GPs and other healthcare providers can make informed decisions about the patient’s future care.
  • Access to important and often life-critical information within the ward, back office and at the patient’s bedside is key to supporting and ultimately improving patient care. ePMA helps healthcare professionals provide a better level of care.
Meet performance targets
  • You can easily report on or audit key performance measures, including the most frequently used medications, missed doses and antimicrobial resistance. You can also define and manage the parameters to set your own needs and targets.
  • With the reliance on paper-based processes reductions, it has become increasingly important for nursing staff and others to access medicine information for each patient no matter what time it may be or where they may be based.
Saves money
  • From reduced waste: ePMA systems in hospitals, doctors’ surgeries, and other healthcare establishments help reduce pharmaceutical waste enormously. A report in 2015 estimated that the UK’s national figure for pharmaceutical waste was at least £300 million.
  • From delayed discharges: Medication prescriptions are a contributing factor to delays, either on admission, treatment changes or on discharge. ePMA populates all relevant records automatically, so there is a complete picture for GPs, community nurses and social care providers to support efficient processes that save time and money.
Seamless integration

ePMA connects information with our electronic patient record system (EPR) to offer a digital system to prescribe, certify, and administer medication.

Accurate, joined-up systems
  • Joined-up systems:Patients have an overarching record, so their prescription and administration records stay with them as they move across the healthcare organisation.
  • Accurate systems to support patient safety, save time and reduce risk: Healthcare professionals can prescribe with greater accuracy, save time, avoid duplication, and prevent mistakes that could put a person’s life at risk
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