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Digital Telecare - Smart Care Solutions

Our digital telecare solution is, by design, a full-service digital social alarm ecosystem. It uniquely combines traditional reactive alarm functionality with proactive digital monitoring of the activities of daily living to support preventative and sustainable care delivery in the home. 

Access Assure digital telecare technology enables local authorities, acute trusts, social care providers, as well as care home, agency and domiciliary care organisations to help their service-users meet their independent living goals at a fraction of the cost of other care alternatives. This ensures budgets spread further and more care-receivers can be supported.

A preventative approach

Our focus is on supporting improved personal social care outcomes for service-users and providing proactive telecare insights that allow professional caregiver’s and care receiver’s alike to make better care intervention decisions that improve personal outcomes. 

Health, support and care is moving towards a participatory ecosystem, one that puts people at the centre of their own care journey. To be at the forefront of this emerging and disruptive trend, health support and care systems need an appetite for ambitious transformation. Tough decisions are required in many areas, for example where to divest, revitalise or pursue innovation. 
Access’ disruptive digital telecare solution accelerates change to care provision on two fronts; shifting the care location to anywhere, anytime and the care model to preventive, personalised and participatory

Our Digital Telecare Home Solution

Our digital telecare at home solution puts care-receivers and their families at the centre, supporting carers to proactively notice the gradual, often subtle, changes in a loved one's routine - that human observation can so easily miss.

Such changes might suggest a possible underlying health issue or care concern with the potential to compromise wellbeing or raise an independence concern. By ensuring these subtle changes or declines are noticed earlier, proactive action can be taken – often days before something more critical happens.

Attention on demand

Our dynamic combination of software and hardware allows for attention to be brought to carers and individuals alike.

  • A simple press of panic button or home hub will raise an alarm 
  • In-built two-way audio communication will enable carers check-in fast so loved ones know they’re not alone 
  • Timely alerts through the Access Assure app keep family members and the wider support and care circle in the loop to know loved ones are ok 

Benefits of our digital telecare solutions

  • Improves the quality of your health, support or care provision planning by using objective, real-time, preventative triage data from Access Assure to match the right level of care provision to a service-users current needs and prioritise resource where it matters most. 
  • Digital insight-led approach to proactive, person centred care built to predict rather than detect through continuous observation and to do so with the least human effort 
  • Customers that use Access digital telecare spend less time analysing data and more time taking a more proactive, preventative approach to care provision. 

TEC Quality Certified

Our digital telecare solutions have been TEC Quality certified since 2019; meaning the products meet a set of outcome-based standards set by TSA, the industry and advisory body for technology enabled care in the UK. As the only UKAS accredited scheme for technology enabled care in the UK, the certification ensures our solutions meet their 10 Common Standards, designed around the principles of quality, safety, innovation and continuous improvement.

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