Adult social care software
Supporting person-centred adult services
Adult social care software support local authorities, helping them to deliver good quality, person-centred adult social care, which is planned and delivered around individual needs, preferences, and priorities. This in turn helps local authorities to achieve positive outcomes and improve the experiences of individuals.

Benefits of adult social care software
Our adult social care solutions focus on addressing the challenges of:
- Embedding a preventative approach to encourage independent living.
- Bringing together dispersed services within public, private, voluntary and community organisations.
- The need to improve provisioning and commissioning services and offer more choice.
- Management of an under-resourced and undervalued social care workforce.
- Delivering person-centred social care to see the end to end care journey.
- Make better plans and budgeting of resource requirements.

Software to help provide person-centred adult services

Social care case management
Manage adult services and finance cases all within our case management solution, which integrates with health and social care data across the system.

Market insights and analytics
Social care decision makers need dynamic data for quality improvement and risk mitigation.

Digital Telecare
Our Digital Telecare is used by Local Authorities across the country to monitor care delivered by inhouse / reablement teams and improve visibility of services delivered by third party care providers.

Scheduling and rostering
Care scheduling allows care coordinators to quickly and easily roster staff while making best use of your capacity and ensuring any salaried Care Workers are fully utilised.

Financial management
The management of finance is necessary to keep everything running smoothly to ensure delivery of quality care.

Business intelligence
Our business intelligence software, CMBI, allows you to capitalise on the value of your social care delivery data. CMBI empowers you with actionable intelligence to facilitate service improvements and manage by exception.

Provider Management Quality Tool
Moving to outcomes-based commissioning can be challenging. Our innovative Outcomes Assessment Platform allows Councils to deliver a powerful combination of time/attendance and progress towards outcomes.

Care Commissioning
Our cloud based end to end solution manages your entire commissioning workflow in one place, giving you full visibility of your provider market to efficiently place individuals with the correct service.
Social case management, transform the way you work
Our Social Care Case Management software allows you to manage adult services and finance cases all within the same platform. Use our Case Management solution to integrate with health and social care data across the system.
- Streamline your workflow: Quickly find where you need to be in a person's journey.
- Fuller views of each individual: Insight into every person’s situation and their environment.
- Easy access to information you need: Work on your chosen mobile device wherever you are.
- Collaborative working: Allow people and their families to interact and help you to collaborate with relevant teams.
- Customer-Led Configuration: Implement Case Management software in a way that lets you work in the most efficient and effective way possible.
Find out more about social care case management software

Digital care management
A complete workforce management solution, delivered through business intelligence tools, invoice and payroll, and comprehensive management reporting,
- Help inhouse teams to deliver person-centred care.
- Deliver ongoing core services, improve processes, communication and quality.
- Support visit scheduling, real-time monitoring, digital care management, medication management, recording observations and outcomes at point of care delivery.

Compliance, auditing and improving governance
- Complete libraries of audits and mock inspections for CQC.
- Audits tailored by customers, along with the ability to track Reg 44 and Reg 45 reports and manage associated actions.
- Intuitive dashboards – show senior team and regulators how effectively governed and well led your service is.
- Upload and manage external reports and certificates from your nations regulator and manage associated actions.
- Action management – demonstrate strong governance internally and to your regulator and commissioner.

Rostering and scheduling management
- Overcome scheduling pressures for inhouse and reablement services.
- Save signification administration hours and maximise available capacity.
- Manage highly dispersed resources and schedule/roster staff through effective forecasting.

Home monitoring systems supports assisted living
Our assistive technology solutions enable individuals, particularly the elderly, to live fulfilling, independent lives for longer.
Our digital telecare platform helps reduce isolation as well as enabling them to maintain or improve their safety, wellbeing and independence. Other benefits include:
- Improve confidence and quality of life.
- Promote autonomy in their daily living.
- Helps to manage potential risks around the home.
- Provide assurance to family and carers.
With our digital telecare platform, we put the individual and family at the centre. Family and carers are able to keep up to date with the day-to-day activity of their loved ones with one of the most advanced social alarms in the UK.
Find out more about Digital Telecare

Care commissioning and provisioning
Our Care Commissioning solutions help you to manage your provider and procurement requirements by focusing on care quality, compliance and process driven care.
Digitise your commissioning process to save your staff time through automated tools, workflow task assignments, delivery of contracting, invoicing and payments within one system, and ensuring all providers are 100% compliant at booking.
The system enables you to Introduce significant cost savings and efficiencies by helping commission complex and specialised services.
Deliver data driven, person-cantered care with accurate auditing and secure data sharing for transparency across all providers, local care organisations and in-house departments.
Collaboratively work with providers to improve local services and community wellbeing and support the strength based care model for independent care.
Find out more about our Care Commissioning Solutions

Social care finance software
Social care finance software reduces your administrative workload by as much as 80% to streamline processes and increase efficiency.
- Alleviate unnecessary pressure on back-office processes.
- Make budgeting easier and streamline payments and billing.
- Receive real-time updates and flexible reporting.
Find out more about social care finance software