Are you looking for iCareHealth?
iCareHealth is still here, we've just found a new home with with Access Care Management – a set of integrated solutions empowering professionals in healthcare, support, and social care services.
Access Health and Social Care software includes solutions previously found in iCare, building it into an integrated package that covers all of your care management needs. Find out about our software using the links below:

How can we help?

See our smart and friendly care management software in action
Benefits of Access Care Management
iCareHealth has been a part of Access Care Management since 2018. It has been integrated into a powerful suite of tools that combine to give healthcare professionals everything they need to provide the best support for the people in their care.
Explore our care management solutions
Access Care Planning
Comprehensive domiciliary care planning software, includes eMAR, mobile carer app, configurable digital forms and integration with Access People Planner for rostering.
Access Care & Clinical
Comprehensive residential care planning software to record, evidence and manage care in your homes. With a mobile app to record both planned and unplanned activities. Integrated with Access Medication Management for a holistic system.
Access Medication Management
Reduce medication errors and improve effeciency with this comprehensive system, including eMAR, stock management, mobile app and integration with pharmacy systems.