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Care and clinical courses

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Autism Awareness

This course introduces the spectrum of autism and how autism affects people in different ways.


Adults With Incapacity (2)

Acquired Brain Injury

This online training course will help learners to understand the structure and function of the brain, including its anatomy, whilst also being able to recognise the impact of an acquired brain injury.

Basic Life Support (4)

Basic life support

To provide the learner with a basic understanding of the knowledge behind the techniques used in emergency first aid situations.

Bed Rails (2)

Bed rails

To provide the learner with an overview of using bed rails and the knowledge and understanding to be able to work to best practice.



This course has been designed to provide advice and guidance for the use of chaperones and the procedures that should be in place for consultations, examinations and investigations.

Clinical Gov (1)

Clinical Governance

Clinical Governance is a systematic approach to maintaining and improving the quality of patient care within the NHS. 

Communication (4)


To ensure the learner has the knowledge and understanding to be able to communicate with their clients through a range of different methods.

Customer Service (8)

Customer Service

Learners will gain knowledge of how to deal with complaints with good tactics, exceed customer expectations and go the extra mile to provide excellent customer service.


Dementia Awareness

Within this course, you will learn how to positively support those living with dementia. It is particularly pertinent as dementia diagnoses continue to rise.

Diabetes (4)


The course aims to provide the learner with an overview of diabetes, the symptoms, management and complications that can arise.

Record Keeping (1)

Documentation and Record Keeping

This course covers the basics of ensuring records are completed fully and in a timely manner, to ensure the learner is able to complete all required documentation within care so that it complies with both legal and organisational requirements.

Duty Of Candor

Duty of Candour

The professional duty of candour refers to a healthcare professional working in an honest and transparent manner at all times.

Dysphagia (5)

Dysphagia & Texture Modification

This course is suitable for all locations providing texture modified food within the health and social care industry, including homecare, care homes, nursing homes and hospitals. To ensure safety of the individuals in your care, any staff member assisting clients to eat will benefit from completing this course.

Display Screen Equipment (5)

eMAR System - How to use

This course is designed to help you use the eMAR software in the administration of medication, and is suitable for all care homes and those with nursing provision where medication is managed by the setting using the MED e-care eMAR system.

End Of Life

End of Life Care

This course provides information on how to support an individual in their dying stages, also known as Palliative Care. This course is designed for care assistants to feel more confident at this difficult time.

Epilepsy (3)


This course has been authored by Tony Hannon, who has worked with both adults and children with epilepsy for the past 17 years. During this time, Tony has undertaken extensive research and training to gain better knowledge of the condition.

Equality And Diversity (1)

Equality & Diversity

The purpose of this eLearning course is to increase your awareness and to ensure that you have the knowledge and understanding to be able to work to best practice.

Falls Prevention

Falls (Preventing and Managing)

This course is intended to provide an overview of the implications of falls in older people, both for the individual concerned and the care organisations; and how these falls may be prevented and reduced through risk assessments.


Fluids & Nutrition

This eLearning course intended to provide you with the knowledge required to support people with eating well, and maintaining fluid intake, to promote their wellbeing.

Immunisations And Vaccines

Immunisation & Vaccines

This course has been designed to provide all healthcare workers and healthcare professionals with the background knowledge of immunisation and vaccines. This is pertinent to those supporting vaccination programmes such as the flu jab.

Infection Prevetntion And Control

Infection Prevention & Control

This course aims to raise the candidate's knowledge and awareness of infections common to the healthcare sector and the ways to minimise the risk of infection in the work place.

Learning Disabilties

Learning Disabilities

This course has been developed in partnership with Accomplish, a specialist provider of support for over 1,000 people with Autism, Mental Health needs, Learning Disabilities and Acquired Brain Injuries. Together, we aim to raise the profile of Learning Disabilities.

Lloyds Pharmacy

Lloyds MAR Charts for Care

This course is suitable for all those with nursing provision where medication is managed by the setting, to ensure safety of the individuals in your care.

MCA And Dols


This course aims to provide an overview of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards, and the implications that they have for both the service user and service provider.

Medication Administraction Awareness

Medication Administration Awareness

During this course, you will learn the essential knowledge needed for the safe handling of medication. We will introduce you to, and explain, the whole of the medication administration sequence. 

Mental Health (15)

Mental Health

This course has been developed in partnership with Accomplish, a specialist provider of support for over 1,000 people with autism, mental health needs, learning disabilities and acquired brain injuries.

Moving And Handling

Moving & Handling

This course ensures the learner is working to current moving and handling guidelines, therefore minimising the risk of injury to themselves.


Oral Health

This short course has been designed to help the learner discover the importance of oral health.

Original Pack Dispensing (4)

Original Pack Dispensing

This short course has been designed to help the learner discover more about original pack dispensing.

Patient Consent (4)

Patient Consent

This course ensures the learner is working to current moving and handling guidelines, therefore minimising the risk of injury to themselves.

Person Centered Care (4)

Person-Centered Care

Being person-centred is about focusing care on the needs of the person rather than the needs of the service. This course to bring an understanding to all employees on this subject.

Personality Disorder (3)

Personality Disorder

This course has been designed to provide the learner with the skills to classify types of personality disorder and to explain how to support an individual with a personality disorder.

Postive Behaviour Support (1)

Positive Behaviour Support

This valuable course offers much insight into people’s behaviour and the best methods to de-escalate potential incidents that will help to protect all involved.

Pressure Ulcer Prevention

Pressure Ulcer Risk Assessment

This course is designed to provide learners with knowledge and understanding of pressure ulcers and their different categories.

Safegaurding Adults (1)


Safeguarding is everybody’s responsibility, with each of us having a moral duty to recognise, record, report and respond to any concerns about harm and abuse. 

Self Harm (3)

Self harm

This course will look at what self- harm is, look at the unique contributors to self-harm within a prison environment, identify risk and look at prevention strategies.

Sexuality And Relationships

Sexuality - Learning Disabilities

This course is designed to enable to the learner to identify the sexuality needs for those individuals we support with learning disabilities.

Topical Medication (3)

Topical Medication

A topical medication is a medication that is applied to a particular place on or in the body.

Types And Causes Of Urinary Incontinence

​Urinary Incontinence - an Introduction

This awareness course looks to significantly improve the quality of life of people through effective continence care.





Venepuncture (3)


Provide the learner with the knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of the veins and the techniques required for safe and effective venepuncture for the process of blood sampling.

Wound Review

Wound Care Management

To refresh and develop the clinician's knowledge of the wound healing process, dressings, appropriate surgical interventions and any other factors which may compromise wound healing.