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Software to improve individual experiences

As a leading supplier of software solutions for local authorities and providers who deliver social care, education management and youth services, we appreciate the many complexities and challenges you face.

Freedom to seamlessly support people, families and carers

Benefits of our support solutions

We believe that joined-up care is the best way to improve outcomes. With our integrated care software solutions, our mission is to help you provide the right care, in the right place, at the right time.

Our social care, education, and youth services solutions offer a holistic view, helping you to:

  • Improve data quality, decision-making and minimise risks
  • Enhance communication between care professionals
  • Streamline processes and meet statutory requirements
  • Achieve greater efficiency in the commissioning of services
  • Improve pathways to services across the care journey through integrated social prescribing

Dedicated to Preventative Care

60000 +

individuals accessing Technology Enabled Care

30000 +

wearable devices

687000 +

visits carried out using our Social Prescribing solution

Improving outcomes with software for

Education case management

Better outcomes for families

We help you support families more effectively by providing essential visibility of each young person. You can access more quickly the right information, so you can spend more of your time on priorities that make a real difference and focus on what you do best.

  • The education management system is a modular comprehensive suite of products that makes information sharing simple, across systems, providers, departments, and even other authorities.  
  • The modular approach means that you can select the functionality to suit your needs – including admissions, pupil support services, early years funding, free school meals and benefits and special educational needs software.  
  • You’re empowered with the insight you need to make good decisions giving you more time to focus on service outcomes. 
  • Improve the accuracy and reduce risk, as data only needs to be entered once and can be used across systems. 


Find out more about our education case management software>

Social care

Access software for social care provides local authorities with solutions for managing adult serviceschildren’s servicesfinance and commissioning of services, giving you everything you need to deliver the relevant services and achieve the best possible outcomes. Our solutions, heavily focused on supporting preventative measures, provide a clear picture of each adult or child, the family ecosystem, and their social care history. We help empower you to: 

  • Effectively manage council-run and third-party delivered care. 
  • Provide services within the constraints of reduced resources and increased demand. 
  • Identify needs, predict service requirements, and source quickly to protect those requiring social care. 
  • Collaborate across the care journey, from commissioners, through to providers. 


Find out more about our social care software >

Identify, connect and support those who are most vulnerable
  • We help you track, measure and report on the impact of your support services 
  • Provide interoperability with systems in health, housing and the VCSE meaning you can make, manage and report on referrals for your citizens and measure the impact and uptake of council funded services 
  • Using as a system for community support, social care and population health community asset management to identify hotspots and service provision gaps 
  • Empowering communities to enhance and manage their own health improvement journeys through self-referral pathways and co-produced personalised care plans 


Find out more about social prescribing software 


Access Adam Transport Commissioning Solution supports Local Authorities provision home-to-school transportation to their local communities. Ensuring every child and adult using the service is provided with transport that meets their individual requirements.

Every provider secured through the Transport Commissioning Solution platform is 100% compliant at booking, giving you full reassurance of a safe and trusted service.

Gain full visibility of all active routes to assist with forecasting and planning for each new term, helping you to cut down costs and budget for the future.

Our solution was built in partnership with UK councils, so we understand the challenges your teams are facing. Book a call today to find out more.



Access Adam Housing Commissioning Solution supports Local Authorities with the provision of temporary and private accommodation to house individuals and families in need of accommodation.

The platform ensures all landlords and providers are 100% compliant and meet any additional requirements you have set including disability or local amenity needs. Gain full visibility of the available accommodation for faster placements, helping you to tackle homelessness within your local community.

Onboard and communicate with providers easily within the system and take advantage of our invoicing and payments solution to ensure suppliers are paid on time and for the correct booking.

Our solution was built in partnership with WREN London council boroughs and Milton Keynes Council, so we understand the challenges your teams are facing. Book a call today to find out more.


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See the software so many organisations use to deliver the highest quality care