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Access Technology Enabled Care

Access Technology Enabled Care (TEC) transforms care through combining traditional reactive alarm functionality with proactive digital insights of daily living activities, to support personalised, proactive and preventative care both in and out of the home. Putting the individual at the heart of their care journey, offering a truly participatory, joined-up approach to quality care.

Technology Enabled Care Software Access

Playing an important role in supporting people to live a more independent life both at home and in their communities, Access TEC is focused on supporting improved care outcomes through joining up your data to provide proactive care insights.

Dynamic care delivery, tailored to individuals, providing reassurance to family, friends and carers, while enabling you to prioritise both resources and staff.  

Turning intelligent data into actionable insight

Proactive digital insights of learned daily activities of individuals allows a reactive alarm functionality to notify families and social care professionals alike of any activity changes before something more critical takes place, anytime, anywhere.

Providing intelligent and integrated care to prevent more critical events from happening and allowing individuals to live safer and more independently for longer.

Suitable for the home, local authorities, domiciliary care, and residential care, and acute trusts our technology enabled care can deliver better preventative care for care providers of all sizes at a fraction of the cost of other care alternatives. This ensures budgets spread further and more care-receivers can be supported.

See the software so many organisations use to deliver the highest quality care

How does Technology Enabled Care help deliver better outcomes?

Promoting independence, delaying future care needs and reducing hospital discharge delays, Access TEC enables commissioners and care providers across the care continuum to help people reach their independent living goals by offering a preventative and sustainable care delivery. 

For Local Authorities:
  • Improved care quality and safety
  • Cost-effective: Resources are optimised, face-to-face visits can reduce, limited budgets can be used more efficiently
  • Increased independence and empowerment for the members of their community
  • Better data and insights: Identify patterns, make more informed decisions, continuously improve service delivery
  • Improved access to services: Help bridge geographical gaps in more rural areas
  • Reduce strain on healthcare resources: Preventing unnecessary hospital and GP visits, providing early interventions to prevent conditions escalating
  • Timely responses to emergencies
  • Enhanced communication and engagement
  • Increased workforce productivity: Carers have more time to provide direct support
  • Support for informal caregivers: Providing reassurance, offering additional support when needed
For Care Providers:

Access TEC allows care providers to prioritise care without compromise, increase care capacity and lower costs by delivering a targeted service based on need. 

  • Improved service delivery:  More comprehensive range of services, better personalised care plans, improved outcomes, increased client satisfaction
  • Enhanced communication and coordination: Better real-time communication between home care providers, clients, and their families, promotes prolonging independence
  • Improved continuity of care
  • Better remote monitoring and early interventions: Early detection of health issues, timely interventions, better management of chronic conditions, reduces the likelihood of hospital admissions
  • Increased Caregiver efficiency: Better time management, reduced carer burnout
  • Data-driven insights: More informed decisions, improve care protocols, enhance overall care environment
  • Cost-effective: Optimising resource allocation, reduce hospital admissions and readmissions, prevent avoidable health complications
  • Competitive advantage: Demonstrates a commitment to innovation and quality, attract more users and partnerships
  • Enhanced resident safety: Prevent accidents, reduce risk of injuries and emergencies
  • Medication management: Administer medications accurately and on time, reduce medication errors. Discover our eMAR System for more on medication management. 
For Carers:
  • Improved efficiency: Provide more direct care
  • Enhanced communication: Better coordination and responsiveness to individual needs
  • Reduced physical strain: Can perform tasks more safely, reduce the risk of physical injury or burnout
  • Better access to information and resources
  • Improved job satisfaction: Enhances carers’ sense of fulfilment, deliver better more personalised care
Individuals, and their Families:
  • Increased independence: Promote sense of autonomy and dignity
  • Better quality of life: Better health outcomes, improved well-being, can receive additional support when needed
  • Better remote monitoring and safety: Reduce potential risks and emergencies, prompt assistance when needed
  • Better personalised care
  • Reassurance: Families can receive real-time updates on loved ones health and wellbeing, notified when behaviour changes so support can be given promptly
  • Improved coordination: Care providers and families can work together to ensure loved ones get the support they need
  • Reduced caregiver burden: Helps families manage their caregiving roles better, prevents burnout

Providing certified Technology Enabled Care (TEC) quality

Our digital telecare solutions are TEC Quality Certified. This means our products meet a set of outcome-based standards set by the TSA, the industry and advisory body for Technology Enabled Care in the UK.  

This is the only UKAS-accredited scheme in the UK meaning our Access TEC ecosystem meets their 10 common standards to solely concentrate on safety, innovation, quality, and continuous improvement. 

The Access TEC subscription model

Our Access TEC subscription model is aimed at transforming traditional alarm service provision to a model that is person centric and joined up.

What are the benefits of a subscription/service model?

  • Scalability - Subscriptions enable organisations to scale their services without significant upfront costs.

  • Predictable costs  - making it easier to budget and improve long term financial planning

  • Better access to up to date technology with the opportunity to replace hardware at the end of the subscription term.

  • Maintenance and updates - Many subscription models include maintenance, support, and regular updates. This can reduce the burden on local authorities and housing providers to manage technical aspects to ensure their service is up to date and secure.

  • Compliance and Security - A subscription model can include compliance features and security measures to meet legal requirements and keep personal data safe and secure.

Improving care planning with insights from Access TEC

  • A brand-new integration between Access Care Planning and Access TEC makes Smart Alert and Alarm data from the Access TEC Home Hub visible to care workers in the mobile app.
  • Understanding what has happened in between care visits will help care workers deliver the highest standards of personalised care, improving patient outcomes.

What benefits have our Access TEC customers experienced?

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