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Financial reporting software

Use consolidated financial reporting software to gain real-time visibility to make informed decisions.

See real-time business performance, slice-and-dice the data, and produce financial reports in seconds. Automated data collection and financial reporting made easy.

Reporting software trusted by thousands of finance professionals

Easy to use financial reporting software

Access hundreds of ready-made standard accounting reports in our automated finance reporting software. Easily create custom reports based on your specific needs.

  • Easy navigation: shift seamlessly from headline indicators to financial data within seconds. Drill down to individual transactions and associated documents, such as invoices and images
  • Search and filter: search, filter and sort data to get the right information, and export search results straight into Excel
  • Customise views: by cost centre, geographical offices, overheads, company, cost type, and across multi-entries and budget holders
  • Consolidated financial statements: instantly generate multi-entry consolidated financial statements

Take control of your financial reporting processes

Quickly and easily monitor, analyse and report your financial health and business performance with financial reporting software.

Live dashboards and real-time financial reporting allows you to dive straight into the data to find the answers you need. Free up time and get real-time information to make better business decisions.

The flexible nominal ledger means you can configure your accounts to give you the management reporting you want. And hundreds of ready-made reports in the finance reporting software make reporting and auditing easy.

Key features of financial reporting software

Financial dashboard software

Access Workspace is a software solution, that joins together your systems, data and people in one place. Our financial reporting system and Access Workspace work together to share your data and insights with people across your organisation.

Improve engagement, visibility and productivity with the Access suite:

  • Actionable dashboards: Access Workspace populates with a set of standard dashboards for an immediate view of your organisation’s performance and KPIs, with drills and filters to the underlying data and the detail.                                                
    • Debtors and revenue performance: displays metrics, key stats and insights to manage debtors, prevent bad debts and maintain a healthy cash flow
    • Creditors and purchasing: displays metrics, key stats and insights around spend, commitments and outstanding creditors
    • Nominal and cashflow: displays metrics, key stats and insights into current cash status, income and expenditure, and profit
  • Create your own dashboards: designer licenses let you create your own dashboards with as many new insights as you wish.
  • Unlimited read-only users: distribute and share with individual users and groups, and those outside your organisation within your security protocols. Users can view and interact with the insights shared with them
Financial reporting and analysis software

Access Workspace analysis software allows previously siloed data to be easily brought together, into a combined view, for deeper insight.

  • Easy analytics: When you have a specific question, you can build a query, display it as an insight or even gather a collection of them into a Dashboard
  • Add other business data: create new insights and dashboards using data from your existing Access products. For example, combine data from Access CRM into a single comprehensive view for faster, more informed decisions
  • Connect data from other systems: Access Workspace Professional edition allows you to connect with non-Access software systems, so you can blend third-party data into your analytics and see the full picture.
  • Create unlimited insights: create new insights from your data. Create unlimited charts, tables, dashboards and filters. Drill down to the underlying data to get to exactly the information you need.
  • Easily share with others: grant different permissions for people across your business. Charts and tables can be downloaded and used in management presentations
Excel financial reporting

Create powerful and professional financial management reports that deliver deeper insights and analysis. Deliver up-to-date, real-time visibility of core accounting data.

  • Secure two-way integration: between Access accounting software and Excel, so you can access and update financial data directly from Excel
  • Powerful queries: filter, manipulate and query transaction data so you can analyse and model your data with ease. Drill down to original transactions and source data
  • Rapid report creation: build complex reports in minutes using the in-built report writer. Create up-to-date P&Ls, balance sheets, debtor and creditor summaries, budgets and forecast reports
  • Report packs: created a professional report pack with branded coversheet, contents page and page numbers to deliver key decision-making information.

Our financial reporting software in 1 minute

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Financial reporting software FAQs

What is financial reporting software?

Financial reporting software helps you to automate and analyse financial information. You can generate and drill down into data with ease.

Streamline processes and monitor the financial health of your organisation. Our financial reporting software in Access Financials enables you to manage the full financial reporting process with easy-to-use analytics, dashboards and real-time data.

What software is used for financial reports?

Software used for financial reporting can vary from Excel spreadsheets to a cloud-based finance management system with reporting capabilities as standard.

To see real-time business performance, slice and dice data and produce financial reports in seconds rather than manually keying data, a solution such as Access Financials is ideal.   

Cloud-based finance software such as Access Financials allows you to manage all your financial reporting requirements. Gain real-time visibility and make informed decisions with consolidated financial reporting software.

Quickly and easily monitor, analyse and report your financial health and business performance, with live dashboards and real-time financial reporting.

Dive straight into the data to quickly find the answers you need, saving you time and giving you real-time information to make better business decisions.

Our powerful financial reporting tools simplify everything from ad hoc reporting to statutory reporting. Generate accurate reports starting today — explore Access Financials.

Why use financial reporting software?

Financial reporting software provides you with immediate access to all the information and insight you need. It enables you to manage and make decisions for the efficient working of your business. You will:

  • Improve organisation-wide decision-making, with collaborative access to detailed reports and consolidated data analysis.
  • Achieve financial and operational efficiencies, by accessing business intelligence and gaining insight into performance and trends across
    your organisation.
  • Protect revenue and reduce outstanding debt, through information at your fingertips enabling you to manage suppliers and debtors.
  • Improve the financial health by maintaining an audit trail and efficiently generate statutory reports.

Empower your finance teams with our cutting-edge accounting and financial reporting software. Discover Access Financials.

What sort of analysis does financial reporting software do?

Financial reporting software presents information in tables, charts or graphs. Access the visual representation of the data to it is easy to spot trends, anomalies, variances, or exceptions.

It is much easier to analyse data when represented in charts, trend lines, pie charts, etc. Access Financials comes with several preconfigured reporting dashboards for this reason.

How to generate accurate financial reports?

To report accurately, you need to know: 

  • If the underlying data is correct. For this, you need robust business processes and figures in your accounting system that you can trust. 
  • If the report is providing the information correctly. Once you generate a report, test it by checking the data is as expected in the core accounting application or on a test database.